1. Number of farms, farm acreage, and value of farms, 1935, 1930, and 1925; and specified classes of land according to use in 1934, 1929, and 1924; with percent distribution; in the United States, by color and tenure of operator

2. Number of farms, farm acreage, and value of farms, 1935 and 1930; and specified classes of land according to use in 1934 and 1929; with percent distribution; for the Southern States, by color and tenure of operator

3. Number of farms, 1880 to 1935; and farm acreage, 1900 to 1935; with percent distribution; in the United States, by color and tenure of operator

4. Percent distribution - Of farms and farm acreage, 1900 to 1935; of specified uses of farm land, 1935 and 1929; of value of farms, 1935, 1930, and 1925; by color of operator; for the United States and for the Southern States

5. Number of farms and acreage of all land in farms operated by part owners, with acres owned and acres rented, for the United States: 1935, 1930, and 1925

6. Number of farms, farm acreage, and value of land and buildings, 1935 and 1930; and specified classes of land according to use in 1934 and 1929; by color and by tenure of operator; by divisions and States

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7. Supplemental for the Southern States - Number of farms, farm acreage, and value of land and buildings, 1935 and 1930; and specified classes of land according to use in 1934 and 1929; by color and by tenure of operator; by divisions and States

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8. Number of farms and acreage of all land in farms operated by part owners, with acres owned and acres rented, by divisions and States: 1935 and 1930

9. Number of farms, with percent distribution, by tenure of operator, by divisions and States: 1880 and 1935