1. Summary of drainage for the United States: Jan. 1, 1940, 1930, and 1920
2. Area of enterprises, by size: Jan. 1, 1940, 1930, and 1920
3. Land and capital invested, by character of enterprise, Jan. 1, 1940
4. Land and capital invested, by type of drainage: Jan. 1, 1940, 1930, and 1920
5. Pumping plants and land served, by kind of power: Jan. 1, 1940, 1930, and 1920
6. Pumping plants and land served, by kind of pump: Jan. 1, 1940 and 1930
7. Land, capital invested, and area delinquent in drainage taxes, by arrearage in payment of obligations: Jan. 1, 1940 and 1930
8. Land, capital invested, indebtedness, arrearage in payment of bonds, reduction of debt by refinancing, and acreage delinquent, 1940; drainage taxes collected in 1939; by indebtedness and arrearage, Jan. 1, 1940
9. Land, capital invested, by principal purpose of drainage, Jan. 1, 1940
10. Land, capital invested, by date of organization, Jan. 1, 1940
11. Drainage condition, development, and use of land in enterprises, by date of organization, 1939
12. Cost of operation and maintenance, by type of drainage, 1939
13. Land and capital invested, by method of maintenance and by whether maintenance is systematic, Jan, 1, 1940
14. Land, capital invested, and drainage works, by ownership of power equipment for maintenance, 1940
15. Land, capital invested, and drainage works, by Federal agency givig aid in maintenance, 1940
16. Land, capital invested, and drainage works, by flood protection from levees of an outside agency, 1940
17. Land in drainage enterprises classified by condition and by use, 1940, 1930, and 1020; and by kind of works, 1940
18. Drainage enterprises - Works and capital invested, 1940, 1930, and 1920; and maintenance and operation, and financial condition, 1939
19. Reports, area assessed, and land included, by size based on intercounty enterprises divided on county lines, by divisions and States: 1940, 1930, and 1920
20. Reports, area assessed by size based on intercounty enterprises not divided on county lines, enterprises, and land included, by divisions and States, 1940
21. Land in enterprises and capital invested by character of enterprise, by divisons and States, 1940
22. Land in irrigation enterprises included in Census of Drainage with portions to be served by the drainage works, by States, 1940
23. Land and capital by completion of works: 1940, 1930, and 1920
24. Land in enterprises and capital invested, by completion of works, by divisions and States, 1940
25. Land in enterprises, capital invested, and cost per acre, by type of drainage, by divisions and States, 1940
26. Land in enterprises, length of drains, and acres drained per mile of drain, by type of drain, by divisions and States, 1940
27. Land served by drainage pumps, capacities of engines or motors and of pumps, average lift of water, and plant ratio, by divisions and States, 1940
28. Land in enterprises, capital invested, and area delinquent in drainage taxes, by arrearage in payment of obligations, by divisions and States, 1940
29. Land unfit for any crop for lack of drainage and idle land, in enterprises, by arrearage in payment of obligarions, by divisions and States, 1940
30. Land in enterprises, area assessed, and capital invested, by date of organization, by divisions and States, 1940
31. Enterprises reporting cost of maintenance and operation, and cost per acre, by type of drainage, by divisions and States, 1940
32. Land in enterprises and capital invested, by method of maintenance and whether maintenance is systematic, by divisions and States, 1940
33. Land, capital invested, and drainage works, for all enterprises, for enterprises owning power equipment for maintenance, and for enterprises protected by levees of outside agencies, by States, 1940
34. Land, capital invested, and drainage works of enterprises receiving Federal aid in maintenance, by agency giving the aid, by States, 1940
35. Employment and pay roll of enterprises, by character of enterprise, by States, 1939
36. Precipitaion by months for the year 1939, with departures from normal, for the 38 drainage States