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2. Introduction

1. Age of farm operators - Number of operators reporting, by tenure, for the United States: 1910 to 1945

2. Years on farm - Number of operators reporting, for the United States: 1910 to 1945

3. Number of days of work off farm for pay or profit, for the United States: 1929 to 1944

4. Number of farm operators reporting work off their farms for pay or profit by number of days, for the United States: 1929 to 1944

1. Farm operators under 25 years of age, number, January 1, 1945

2. Farm operators 25 to 34 years of age, number, January 1, 1945

3. Farm operators 35 to 44 years of age, number, January 1, 1945

4. Farm operators 45 to 54 years of age, number, January 1, 1945

5. Farm operators 55 to 64 years of age, number, January 1, 1945

6. Farm operators 65 years of age and over, number, January 1, 1945

7. Average age of owner operators, January 1, 1945

8. Average age of tenant operators, January 1, 1945

9. Farm operators on their farms less than 1 year, number, January 1, 1945

10. Farm operators on their farms 1 to 4 years, number, January 1, 1945

11. Farm operators on their farms 5 to 9 years, number, January 1, 1945

12. Farm operators on their farms 10 years and over, number, January 1, 1945

13. Farm operators working off their farms for pay or profit, number, 1944

14. Farm operators working 1 to 49 days off their farms for pay or profit, number, 1944

15. Farm operators working 50 to 99 days off their farms for pay or profit, number, 1944

16. Farm operators working 100 or more days off their farms for pay or profit, number, 1944

17. Average age of all farms operators, January 1, 1945

18. Average year of occupancy for all farms operators, January 1, 1945

1. Farm operators in each color and tenure class, by age, for the United States: 1890 to 1945

2. Residence of farm operators, for the United States: 1945 and 1940

3. Farm operators reporting residece on or off farm, for specified counties: 1945

4. Years on farm as classified for each census, with the number of operators in each classification: 1910 to 1945

5. Work off farm by farm operators, for the United States: 1929 to 1944

6. Farm operators classified according to reports in respect to work off their farms, for the United States: 1944, 1939, 1934, and 1929

7. Farm operators in each tenure class (each color and tenure class for the South), by age, by regions and States: 1945, 1940, and 1930

8. Farm owners and tenants, by age, by regions and States: 1890 to 1945

9. Residence of farm operator, by divisions and States: 1945 and 1940

10. Farm operators, by year of occupancy of farm operated on January 1, 1945, by divisions and States: Census of 1945

11. Farm operators, by years on farm, by divisions and States: 1945, 1940, and 1935

12. Percent distribution of farm operators reporting by years on farm, by divisions and States: 1945, 1940, and 1935

13. Work off farm by farm operators, by divisions and States: Census of 1945

14. Work off farm by farm operators, by divisions and States: 1929 to 1944