1. Percentage of farms reporting specified classes of work power, by size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census
2. Average number of horses and/or mules and average number of tractors per farm, by class of work power, and size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census
3. Average acreage of cropland harvested per horse or mule and per tractor per farm, by class of work power, and size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census
4. Percentage of farms reporting specified acreages of cropland harvested, by class of work power, for the United States: 1945 Census
5. Percent distribution of farms by size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census
6. Percent distribution of acres of cropland harvested by size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census
7. Percent distribution of numbers of tractors by size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census
8. Percent distribution of numbers of horses and/or mules by size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census
1. A. Indicated level of sampling reliability of estimated State totals by class of work power and size of farm for specified items
2. B. Sampling reliability of estimated item totals for States by class of work power and size of farm for specified numbers of farms reporting, by levels
3. C. Farms by class of work power by size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
4. D. Farms by class of work power by value of products, for the United States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
5. E. Farms by class of work power by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
6. F. Farms by class of work power by type of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
7. 1. Farms, cropland harvested, tractors, horses, and mules; by class of work power and size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture