1. Introduction

2. Full PDF

1. Description of Forms

2. A1(34) Census of Agriculture - 1969

3. A1(120) Census of Agriculture - 1969 (for very large, complex farm operations)

4. A1(6) Hawaii Census of Agriculture - 1969

5. A1(AB)-A1(TW) Census of Agriculture, 1969, Questionnaire Variation Study

6. A2(5) Census of Agriculture - 1969 (short form)

7. A1(AS) Census of Agriculture - 1970, American Samoa

8. A1(G) Census of Agriculture - 1970, Guam

9. A1(TT) Census of Agriculture - 1970, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands

10. A1(VI) Census of Agriculture - 1970, Virgin Islands

11. A1PR Census of Agriculture - 1970, Puerto Rico - Forma Regular

12. A1PR Census of Agriculture - 1970, Puerto Rico - Regular Form

13. A2PR Census of Agriculture - 1970, Puerto Rico - Forma Corta

14. A2PR Census of Agriculture - 1970, Puerto Rico - Short Form

15. A40 Census of Agriculture Services - 1969

16. A60 Census of Irrigation, Single-Basin Organizations

17. A61 Census of Irrigation, Multi-Basin Organizations

18. A5 Leaflet Guide

19. A66 Reference Guide

20. A24 Special Instructions for Multiunits

21. A80 Special Instructions for Institutional Organizations

22. A82 Special Instructions for Grazing Associations

23. Letter to Citrus Grove Caretakers in Florida

24. Letter to Citrus Grove Caretakers in Florida 2

25. A31.1 Reminder Card

26. A31.2 Reminder Card (for multiunit farm operators)

27. Followup Letters