41. Field Corn for All Purposes: 1974 and 1969
43. Field Corn for Silage or Green Chop, Cut for Dry Fodder, Hogged or Grazed: 1974 and 1969
44. Sorghums for All Purposes, Except Sirup: 1974 and 1969
45. Sorghums for Grain or Seed: 1974 and 1969
46. Sorghums for Silage or Green Chop: 1974 and 1969
47. Sorghums Cut for Dry Forage or Hay, Hogged or Grazed: 1974 and 1969
49. Durham Wheat: 1974
50. Flaxseed: 1974
51. Buckwheat: 1974
52. Proso Millet: 1974
53. Oats for Grain: 1974 and 1969
54. Barley for Grain: 1974 and 1969
55. Rye for Grain: 1974 and 1969
56. Mixed Grains: 1974 and 1969
57. Emmer and Spelt: 1974
58. Rice: 1974 and 1969
59. Safflower: 1974
60. Mustard Seed: 1974
61. Triticale: 1974
64. Dry Field and Seed Beans: 1974
65. Sugar Beets for Sugar: 1974
67. Irish Potatoes: 1974 and 1969
68. Sweetpotatoes: 1974 and 1969
71. Alfalfa and Alfalfa Mixtures for Hay or Dehydrating: 1974 and 1969
72. Clover, Timothy, and Mixtures of Clover and Greass for Hay: 1974 and 1969
73. Small Grain Hay: 1974 and 1969
74. Lespedeza for Hay: 1974
75. Coastal Bermuda Grass for Hay: 1974
76. Wild Hay: 1974 and 1969
77. Other Hay: 1974 and 1969
78. Grass Silage and Haylage: 1974 and 1969
79. Hay Crops Cut and Fed Green: 1974 and 1969
80. Field Seeds: 1974 and 1969
81. Alfalfa Seed and Red Clover Seed: 1974 and 1969
82. Miscellaneous Field Seeds: 1974
83. Miscellaneous Crops: 1974
84. Vegetables, Sewwt Corn, or Melons for Sale: 1974 and 1969
85. Selected Vegetables: 1974 and 1969
86. Selected Vegetables - Fresh and Processing: 1974
87. Berries: 1974 and 1969
88. Strawberries: 1974 and 1969
89. Miscellaneous Berries: 1974
91. Oranges: 1974 and 1969
92. Citrus Fruits: 1974
93. Apples: 1974 and 1969
94. Grapes: 1974 and 1969
95. Peaches: 1974 and 1969
96. Pears: 1974 and 1969
97. Plums and Prunes: 1974 and 1969
98. Cherries: 1974 and 1969
99. Miscellaneous Fruits and Nuts: 1974
100. Miscellaneous Fruits and Nuts: 1974 and 1969