1. Tenure classes included in the reports for each census, with the number of farms in each class: 1880 to 1940
2. Farms and farm acreage, and uses of land, by color and tenure of operator, for the United States: Census of 1940
3. Farms and farm acreage, and uses of land, by color and tenure of operator, for the South: Census of 1940
4. Specified farm values, with number of farms and farm acreage, by color and tenure of operator, for the United States: Census of 1940
5. Specified farm values, with number of farms and farm acreage, by color and tenure of operator, for the South: Census of 1940
6. Cropper farms with the share rentals supplemented by cash payments for noncash crop acreage or other privileges - number, acreage, and specified values, by color of operator, for South only, by States: Census of 1940
7. Cropper farms in seven southeastern Missouri counties - Number, acreage, and specified values, by color of operator, by counties: 1940, 1935, and 1930
8. Number of farms, with increases and decreases, and percent distribution, by color and tenure of operator, for the United States: Census of 1940
9. Number of farms, with increases and decreases, and percent distribution, by color and tenure of operator, for the South: Census of 1940
10. Land in farms, with average acreage per farm, increases and decreases, and percent distribution, by color and tenure of operator, for the United States: Censuses of 1900 to 1940
11. Specified classes of land in farms according to use, with average per farm, by color and tenure of operator, for the United States: Censuses of 1900 to 1940
12. Value of specified classes of farm property, with averages per farm and per acre, and percent distributions, by color and tenure of operator, for the United States: 1900 to 1940
13. Farms of nonwhite operators by race and tenure - Number, acreage, and specified values, for the United States: Census of 1940
14. Farms of nonwhite operators by race and tenure - Number, acreage, and specified values, for the United States: 1900 to 1940
15. Number , acreage, and value of owned and rented portions of farms operated by part owners, and data for all owner-operated and all rented land, for the United States: 1925 to 1940
16. Cash rent paid, or payable, by cash tenants, 1940 and 1930; and by part owners renting on a cash basis, 1940; by color of operator, 1940; for the United States
17. Irrigated farms - Number, acreage, and specified values for farms with cropland harvested wholly irrigated, by tenure of operator, for farms in selected States: 1940 and 1930
18. Cash rent for irrigated farms - Cash rent paid, or payable, by cash tenants, and by part owners renting on a cash basis, for farms with cropland harvested wholly irrigated, for farms in selected States: Census of 1940
33. Irrigated farms - Number, acreage, and specified values for farms with cropland harvested wholly irrigated, by tenure of operator, by States: 1940 and 1930
34. Cash rent for irrigated farms - Cash rent paid, or payable, by part owners for farms with cropland harvested wholly irrigated, by States: Census of 1940
35. Cash rent for irrigated farms - Cash rent paid, or payable, by cash tenants for farms with cropland harvested wholly irrigated, by States: Census of 1940
19. Number of farm operators, by tenure, by divisions and States: 1940, 1935, and 1930
20. Number of white farm operators, by tenure, by divisions and States: 1940, 1935, and 1930
21. Number of nonwhite farm operators, by tenure, by divisions and States: 1940, 1935, and 1930
22. Farms and farm acreage, by color and tenure of operator, by divisions and States: 1940, 1935, and 1930
23. Specified farm values, by color and tenure of operator, by divisions and States: 1940, 1935, and 1930
24. Number, acreage, and value of farms operated by part owners, with acreage of owned and rented portions, 1940, 1935, and 1930; and value of owned and rented portions, 1940; by divisions and States
25. Number of farms, with percent distribution, by tenure of operator, by divisions and States: 1880 to 1940
26. Farm operators, by race; with nonwhite races, by tenure; by divisions and States: 1940 and 1930
27. Farms operated by Negroes - Number, acreage, and specified values, by tenure, by divisions and States: 1940 and 1930
28. Farms operated by Indians - Number, acreage, and specified values, by tenure, by divisions and States: 1940 and 1930
29. Farms operated by Japanese - Number, acreage, and specified values, by tenure, by divisions and States: 1940 and 1930
30. Farms operated by Chinese and "other" nonwhite races - Number, acreage, and specified values, by tenure, by divisions and States: 1940 and 1930
31. Cash rent paid, or payable, by part owners, by divisions and States: Census of 1940
32. Cash rent paid, or payable, by cash tenants, Censuses of 1940 and 1930; with similar data for nonwhite cash tenants, Census of 1940; by divisions and States