12. Farm mortgage debt of full owners and of part owners for the United States: 1910 to 1940
13. Farm taxes for full owners and for part owners for the United States: censuses of 1940 and 1930
14. Land rented for cash by part owners, census of 1940; and by cash tenants, censuses of 1940 and 1930; for the United States
15. Cooperative selling and purchasing, and specified farm expenditures for the United States: 1909 to 1939
16. Work off farm for pay or income, by color and tenure of operator, for the United States: 1939, 1934, and 1929
17. Age of farm operator and year of occupancy, by color and tenure of operator, for the United States: 1910 to 1940
18. Specified farm machinery and facilities, by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1940, 1930, and 1920
19. Number of farms, farm acreage, and farm value, by race of operator, for the United States: 1910 to 1940
20. Goats and kids on farms and ranches, 1910 to 1940; mohair clipped, goats milked, and animals butchered, 1909 to 1939; for the United States
21. Annual legumes, clover and grass seeds, and miscellaneous crops harvested for the United States: 1909 to 1939
22. Vegetables harvested for sale, farm gardens, and horticultural specialties for the United States: 1909 to 1939
23. Small fruits, tree fruigs, grapes, nuts, maple sirup and sugar, 1909 to 1939; land in tree fruits, grapes, and planted nut trees, with number of trees and vines, 1910 to 1940; for the United States
24. Farm mortgage debt, Apr. 1, 1940; and farm taxes levied in 1939; by Divisions and States
25. Work off farm, 1939 and 1934; and age, year of occupancy, and residence of farm operator, Apr. 1, 1940; by Divisions and States
26. Cooperative selling and purchasing and farm expenditures, 1939; farm labor for a specified week of 1939 and of 1940; and farm machinery and facilities, Apr. 1, 1940; by Divisions and States
27. Goats and kids, Apr. 1, 1940 and 1930, and Jan. 1, 1935; mohair clipped, 1939 and 1934; and goats milked, farm slaughter, and purchases and sales of livestock, 1939; by Divisions and States
28. Pigeons, pheasants, quail, and unspecified poultry on farms, Apr. 1, 1940 and number raised in 1939, by States
29. Silver fox and mink kept in captivity, Apr. 1, 1940 and plts taken in 1939, by States
30. Acreage and production of annual legumes, 1939 and 1934; and clover and grass seeds, 1939; by Divisions and States
31. Vegetables harvested for sale, 1939, 1934, and 1929; value of farm garden vegetables, 1939 and 1934; and horticultural specialties, 1939; by Divisions and States
32. Small fruits harvested, 1939; land in tree fruits, nuts, and grapes, 1940, 1935, and 1930; orchard, citrus, and nut trees and grapevines, 1940, with production, 1939; and maple sirup and sugar made, 1939; by Divisions and States
33. Crops from irrigated and nonirrigated acreage - Farms reporting, acreage, and comparative yields for specified crops harvested, 1939, for 19 States