3. Farms with 200 or more acres of cropland harvested, number, 1954
4. Tractors - increase in number, 1950 - 1954
5. Crawler tractors, number, 1954
6. Garden tractors, number, 1954
7. Percent of farms reporting tractors, 1954
8. Number of farms reporting field tractors for United States and areas, 1920 - 1954
9. Crop acres per field tractor on farms, all farms, United States, and areas, 1920 to 1954
10. Number of farms reporting 1, 2, 3, 4 or more field tractors for United States and areas: 1954
11. Number of field tractors on farms by size of farm for the United States and areas, 1954
12. Number of farms reporting field tractors by tenure of operator, for the United States and areas, 1954
13. Number of farms reporting field tractors, by economic class, for United States and areas: 1954
14. Crop acres per tractor, all farms, by economic class, for United States and areas: 1954
15. Automobiles on farms, number, 1954
16. Number of farms reporting automobiles for the United States and areas, 1920 - 1954
17. Number of farms reporting 0, 1, 2, and 3 or more automobiles for United States and areas: 1954
18. Number of automobiles on farms by size of farm, for the United States and areas, 1954
19. Number of automobiles on farms by tenure of operator, for the United States and areas, 1954
20. Number of farms reporting 1, 2, and 3 or more automobiles by tenure for United States and areas: 1954
21. Number of farms reporting 1, 2, and 3 or more automobiles by economic class for United States and areas: 1954
22. Motortrucks on farms, number, 1954
23. Motortrucks - increase and decrease in number, 1950 - 1954
24. Number of farms reporting motortrucks for United States and areas, 1920 - 1954
25. Number of farms reporting 1, 2, 3 or more motortrucks for United States and areas, 1954
26. Number of motortrucks on farms by size of farm, for United States and areas, 1954
27. Number of motortrucks on farms by tenure of operator, for United States and areas, 1954
28. Number of farms reporting 1, 2, 3 or more motortrucks by tenure for United States and areas, 1954
29. Number of farms reporting 1, 2, 3 or more motortrucks by economic class for the United States and areas, 1954
30. Farms reporting electricity - increase and decrease in number, 1950 - 1954
31. Percent of farms reporting electricity, 1954
32. Horses, number, January 1, 1920
33. Mules, number, January 1, 1920
34. Horses and mules, number, 1954
35. Horses and mules - increase and decrease in number, 1950 - 1954
36. Number of farms reporting different number of horses and mules by type of farm, for United States and areas, 1954
37. Number of farms reporting different number of horses and mules by economic class; for United States and areas: 1954
38. Farms with tractor and no horses or mules, number, 1954
39. Farms with tractor and horses and/or mules, number, 1954
40. Farms with horses and/or mules and no tractor, number, 1954
41. Farms with no tractor, horses or mules, number, 1954
42. Grain combines, number of farms reporting, 1954
43. Grain combines - increase in number, 1950 - 1954
44. Number of grain combines on farms, United States and areas, 1945 - 1954
45. Number of grain combines on farms by size of farm, for the United States and areas, 1954
46. Number of farms reporting 0, 1, 2, and 3 or more combines by acreage of small grain harvested, United States and areas, 1954
47. Corn for all purposes, acreage, 1954
48. Corn pickers, number of farms reporting, 1954
49. Corn pickers - increase in number, 19950 - 1954
50. Number of mechanical corn pickers on farms by size of farm, for the United States and areas, 1954
51. Number of farms reporting 1, 2, and 3 or more mechanical corn pickers by acres of corn harvested for United States and areas, 1954
52. Land from which hay was cut, acreage, 1954
53. Hay acreage as a percent of cropland harvested, 1954
54. Pick-up hay balers, number of farms reporting, 1954
55. Pick-up hay balers - increase in number, 1950 - 1954
56. Number of pick-up balers on farms by size of farm for the United States and areas, 1954
57. Number of pick-up balers on farms by acreage of hay harvested, for the United States and areas, 1954
58. Field forage harvesters, number, 1954
59. Number of field forage harvesters on farms by size of farm, for the United States and areas, 1954
60. Number of farms reporting 0, 1, 2, and 3 kinds o f field machines by economic class for the United States and areas: 1954
61. Milking machines, number of farms reporting, 1954
62. Whole milk sold, number of pounds, 1954
63. Number of farms with milking machines, by type of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954
64. Number of farms reporting milking machines by number of cows milked, for commercial farms for the United States and areas, 1954
65. Power feed grinders, number of farms reporting, 1954
66. Number of farms with power feed grinders by type of farm for United States and areas: 1954
67. Number of dairy farms with power-feed grinders by size of herd for the United States and areas, 1954
68. Electric pig brooders, number of farms reporting, 1954
69. Number of farms reporting pig brooders by size of enterprise, for the United States and areas, 1954
70. Percent of farms reporting telephones, 1954
71. Telephones - increase and decrease in number of farms reporting, 1950 - 1954
72. Television sets, number of farms reporting, October November 1954
73. Percent of farms reporting home freezers, 1954
74. Percent of farms reporting piped running water, 1954
75. Piped running water, number of farms reporting, 1954
76. Percent of all farm operators working 100 or more days off their farms, 1954
77. Percent of all farm operators working off their farms in 1954
78. Number of farm operators working off their farms, by number of days worked, for the United States and areas: 1930 - 1954
79. Farm operators working off their farms 100 days or more - increase and decrease in number, 1949 - 1954
80. Expenditures for machine hire, dollars, 1954
81. Number of farms reporting machine hire, by economic class for the United States and areas, 1954
82. Expenditures for gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business, dollars, 1954
83. Total cost of petroleum products on farms by economic class; for United States and areas: 1954
84. Cost of petroleum products per farm by economic class; for United States and areas: 1954
1. Sampling reliability of the estimated number of farms and farms reporting and estimated totals for the United States and 5 areas: Census of 1954
2. Number of farms, average size of farm, and farms reporting specified number of tractors, for the United States and areas: 1954
3. Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of field tractors, by size of farm, for the United States: 1954
4. Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of field tractors, by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1954
5. Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of field tractors, by economic class of farm, for the United States: 1954
6. Percent distribution of all farms, and number of field tractors, by economic class of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954
7. Percent distribution of all farms, and number of field tractors, by tenure of operator, for the United States and areas: 1954
8. Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of automobiles, by size of farm, for the United States: 1954
9. Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of automobiles, by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1954
10. Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of automobiles, by economic class of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954
11. Percent distribution of all farms and number of automobiles, by economic class of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954
12. Percent distribution of all farms and number of automobiles, by tenure of operator, for the United States and areas: 1954
13. Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of motortrucks, by size of farm, for the United States: 1954
14. Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of motortrucks, by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1954
15. Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of motortrucks, by economic class of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954
16. Percent distribution of all farms and number of motortruckss, by economic class of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954
17. Percent distribution of all farms and number of motortruckss, by tenure of operator, for the United States and areas: 1954
18. Number of farms, and farms reporting by number of horses and mules reported, by economic class of farm, and by type of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954
19. Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of grain combines, by size of farm, for the United States: 1954
20. Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of grain combines, by tenure of operator, for commercial farms, for the United States: 1954
21. Farms reporting and acreage of small grains harvested, and number of grain combines, by acreage of small grains harvested, for the United States and areas: 1954
22. Number of farms, farms reporting small grains harvested and farms reporting grain combines, for the United States and areas: 1954
23. Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of corn pickers, by size of farm, for the United States: 1954
24. Farms reporting and acres of corn harvested for all purposes, and number of farms reporting corn pickers, for the United States and areas: 1954
25. Farms reporting and acres of corn harvested for all purposes, and number of farms reporting corn pickers, by acres of corn harvested, for the United States: 1954
26. Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of pick-up balers, by size of farm, for the United States: 1954
27. Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of forage harvesters, by size of farm, for the United States: 1954
28. Number of farms, farms reporting and acres of all hay harvested, and farms reporting pick-up balers, by acres of hay harvested and by size of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954
29. Number of farms, and number of farms reporting 1, 2, or 3 kinds of field machines, by economic class of farm, and by type of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954
30. Farms reporting milk cows and farms reporting milking machines, by number of milk cows, for all commercial farms and dairy farms, for the United States and areas: 1954
31. Number of farms, and percentof farms reporting milking machines, by type of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954
32. Number of farms, and percent of farms reporting power feed grinders, by type of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954
33. Number of farms, expenditure, for feed, and farms reporting feed grinders, for dairy farms, classified by size of herd, for the United States: 1954
34. Farms reporting sows farrowing between December 1, 1953, and June 1, 1954, and farms reporting electric pig brooders, for the United States and areas: 1954
35. Number and percent of farms reporting electricity, telephones, and piped running water, for the United States and areas: 1954
36. Number and percent of farms reporting electricity, telephones, and piped running water, by economic class of farms, for the United States: 1954
1. Land in farms: Percent of total land area in farms, 1954
2. Land in farms: Land in farms as a percent of total land area, United States and regions, 1880 - 1954
3. Land ownership: Ownership of land and land in farms, United States, 1954
4. Tenure of farmland: Land in farms, by tenure of operator, United States, 1954
5. Tenure of farmland: Land in farms operated by tenants, by class of tenant, United States, 1954
6. Tenure of farmland: Percent of farms and farmland operated by tenants, and percent of total farmland under lease, United States and regions, 1880 - 1954
7. Tenure of farmland: Percent of all land in farms operated under lease, 1954
8. Tenure of farmland: Counties in which at least half of the land in farms was under lease to the operator, 1910 - 1954
9. Tenure of farms: Number of farms, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1880 - 1954
10. Tenure of farms: Number of farms, by tenure of operator, 1954
11. Tenure of farms: Comparison of changes in number of farms, by tenure of operator, United States, 1945 - 1950 and 1950 - 1954
12. Tenure of farms: Changes in number of farms, by color and tenure of operator, South, 1950 - 1954
13. Tenure of farms: Percentage of all farms operated by tenants, 1954
14. Tenure of farms: Counties in which at least half the farms were operated by tenants, 1880 - 1954
15. Tenure of farms: Most frequent method of renting farms, 1954
16. Tenure of farms: Percent of rented farms, by class of tenant, United States and regions, 1950 and 1954
17. Tenure of farms: Farms operated by class of tenant, 1954
18. Value of land and buildings: Value of land and buildings, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1900 - 1954
19. Value of land and buildings: Average value of land and buildings per acre, 1954
20. Value of land and buildings: Average value of land and buildings per acre - increase and decrease, 1950 - 1954
21. Value of land and buildings: Average value of land and buildings per farm, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1950 and 1954
22. Multiple-unit operations: Subunits in multiple units as a percent of all farms, 1954
23. Multiple-unit operations: Cotton acreage harvested in multiple units as a percent of total cotton acreage harvested, 1954
24. Multiple-unit operations: Tobacco acreage harvested in multiple units as a percent of total tobacco acreage harvested, 1954
Section 2 - Production
1. Type of farming: Type-of-farming areas, based on type accounting for 50 percent or more of commercial farms, 1954
2. Type of farming: Percent of farms in each type-of-farm group, by tenure of operator, commercial farms, United States, 1954
3. Crop and livestock output: Percent of value of specified crops and livestock sold, by tenure of operator for commercial farms, United States, 1954
4. Crop and livestock output: Percent of cropland harvested represented by acres harvested of the principal crops, by tenure of operator, for commercial farms, United States and regions, 1954
5. Crop and livestock output: Percent distribution of acres of the principal crops harvested, by tenure of operator, for commercial farms, United States and regions, 1954
6. Land use: Percent distribution of all land in farms according to major uses, by tenure of operator, United States, 1945 - 1954
7. Land use: Percent distribution of cropland, land pastured, and woodland, by tenure of operator, for commercial farms, United States and regions, 1954
8. Size of farm: Average size of farm, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1900 - 1954
9. Size of farm: Percent distribution of size group of cropland harvested, by tenure of operator, for commercial farms, United States and regions, 1954
10. Irrigation: Irrigated land as a percent of all land in farms for 20 States, 1954
11. Irrigation: Percent distribution of irrigated farms, by tenure of operator, 17 Western States, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Florida, 1954 and 1950
12. Irrigation: Percent distribution of irrigated land in farms, by tenure of operator, 17 Western States, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Florida, 1954 and 1950
13. Farm labor: Number of family workers (including operator) and hired workers per farm reporting, commercial farms, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1954
14. Farm labor: Expenditure for hired labor per commercial farm, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1954
15. Equipment and fertilizer: Percent of farms reporting tractors (other than garden) by tenure of operator, commercial farms, United States and regions: 1954 and 1950
16. Equipment and fertilizer: Number of commercial farms by class of work power and tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1954
17. Equipment and fertilizer: Tractors on farms, number, 1954
18. Equipment and fertilizer: Percent of commercial farms reporting tractors, combines, milking machines, corn pickers, and pick-up balers, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1954
19. Equipment and fertilizer: Percent of farms using commercial fertilizer, by tenure, commercial farms, United States and regions, 1954
20. Equipment and fertilizer: Average expenditure per acre for commercial fertilizer and fertilizer material, by tenure of operator, commercial farms, United States and regions, 1954
21. Specified farm expenditures: Average expenditure per commercial farm for specified cost items, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1954
Section 3 - People
1. Farm population: Total, nonfarm, and farm, United States, 1910 - 1954
2. Farm population: Farm population, United States, 1920 - 1954
3. Farm population: Residence of labor force, farm and nonfarm, United States, 1950
4. Farm population: Migration to and from farms, United States 1920 - 1953
5. Farm population: Percentage change in the farm population selected periods, United States and regions, 1920 - 1954
6. Farm population: Residence of farm labor force by kind of worker, United States, 1950
7. Farm population: Tenure of farm workers, United States, 1954
8. Farm income and tenure: Agricultural net income and nonagricultural net income, United States, 1910 - 1954
9. Farm income and tenure: Net income from farming received by nonfarm population, United States, 1910 - 1954
10. Farm income and tenure: Agricultural net income as percent of total National income, United States, 1910 - 1954
11. Farm income and tenure: Net income of the farm population from farming and nonfarm sources, United States, 1934 - 1954
12. Farm income and tenure: Percent distribution of commercial farms in each economic class, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1954
13. Farm income and tenure: Percent of commercial farms in each tenure group reporting a telephone, electricity, and running water, United States and regions, 1954
14. Off-farm employment and part-time farming: Percent of all farm operators working off their farms, 1954
15. Off-farm employment and part-time farming: Farm operators working off their farms 100 days or more - increase and decrease in number, 1949 - 1954
16. Off-farm employment and part-time farming: Farm operators with other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold, 1954
17. Off-farm employment and part-time farming: Percent of farm operators working off their farms 100 days or more, by tenure, United States and regions, 1954 and 1950
18. Off-farm employment and part-time farming: Percent of farm operators with other income of family exceeding the value of farm products sold, by tenure, United States and regions, 1950 and 1954
19. Occupancy, mobility, and length of tenure: Average number of years on present farms, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1954 and 1950
20. Occupancy, mobility, and length of tenure: Percent distribution of farm operators in each tenure, by years on present farms, United States and regions, 1954
21. Occupancy, mobility, and length of tenure: Years on farm - number of operators reporting by tenure, United States, 1910 - 1954
22. Occupancy, mobility, and length of tenure: Percent of farm operators on present farms 1 year or less, by tenure, United States, 1910 - 1954
23. Occupancy, mobility, and length of tenure: Percent of farm operators on present farms 1 year or less by month of occupancy, October to November 1954, United States and regions
24. Age and residence of farm operators: Average age of farm operators, by tenure, United States and regions, 1940 - 1954
25. Age and residence of farm operators: Percent of farm operators 55 to 64 years of age, 1954
26. Age and residence of farm operators: Percent of farm operators 65 years of age and over, 1954
27. Age and residence of farm operators: Percent distribution of farm operators in each tenure group, by age, United States and regions, 1954
28. Age and residence of farm operators: Percent distribution of tenant operators in each tenure group, by age, United States and regions, 1954
29. Age and residence of farm operators: Percent of farm operators reporting residence off their farms, 1954