1. Establishments Producing Greenhouse and Nursery Products, Mushrooms, and Sod, by Rank of States: 1970 and 1959
2. Sales of All Horticultural Specialty Crops, by Rank of States: 1970 and 1959
3. Sales of Nursery Products, by Rank of States: 1970 and 1959
4. Sales of Cut Flowers, by Rank of States: 1970 and 1959
5. Sales of Bulb Crops, by Rank of States: 1970
6. Sales of All Horitcultural Specialty Crops, 100 Leading Counties: 1970 and 1959
7. Sales of All Nursery Products, 100 Leading Counties: 1970 and 1959
8. Sales of Flowers and Foliage Plants, 100 Leading Counties: 1970 and 1959