1. Characteristics of Farms and Agricultural Operations Qualifying as Farms by the 1969 Definition but Excluded by the 1974 Definition: 1974
2. Value of Production of Crops Harvested: 1974, 1969, and 1964
3. Selected Livestock and Poultry - Value of Inventory: 1974, 1969, and 1964
4. Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974, 1969, and 1964
5. Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974 and 1969
6. Comparison of Farm Sales: 1974, 1969, and 1964
7. Grain Sold: 1974
8. Tobacco Sold: 1974
9. Cotton and Cotton Seed Sold: 1974
10. Field Seeds, Hay, Forage, and Silage Sold: 1974
11. Other Field Crops Sold: 1974
12. Vegetables, Sweet Corn, and Melons Sold: 1974
13. Fruits, Nuts, Berries, and Pineapples Sold: 1974
14. Nursery and Greenhouse Products Sold: 1974
15. Forest Products Sold: 1974
16. Poultry and Poultry Products Sold: 1974
17. Dairy Products Sold: 1974
18. Cattle and Calves Sold: 1974
19. Hogs and Pigs Sold: 1974
20. Sheep, Lambs, and Wool Sold: 1974
21. Other Livestock and Livestock Products Sold: 1974
22. Other Livestock and Livestock Products by Individual Items Sold: 1974
23. Farms With Net Gains and Losses: 1974
24. Farm-Related Income: 1974
25. Farm Income: 1974 and 1969
26. Total Farms and Farms With Farm-Related Income: 1974
27. Percent of Off-Farm Income by Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974
28. Family Income From Off-Farm Sources: 1974
29. Percent of Farms With Off-Farm Income by Source: 1974
30. Percent of Farms With Off-Farm Income by Source: 1974 and 1970
31. Value of Agricultural Products Sold by Farms: 1974, 1969, and 1964
32. Comparison of Sales by Value of Sales: 1974
33. Large-Scale Farms by Value of Sales: 1974 and 1969
34. Comparison of Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974
35. Large-Scale Farms by Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974 and 1969
36. Large-Scale Farm Sales by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974
37. Percent of Large-Scale Farms by Value of Sales: 1974
38. Percent of Large-Scale Farms Sales: 1974
39. Percent of Large-Scale Farms by Type of Organization: 1974
40. Comparative Share of Resources: 1974
41. Selected Characteristics of Farms: 1974
42. Farms With Sales of Under $2,500 Included in Tabulation of Farms With Sales of $2,500 and Over: 1974
43. Farms With Potential to Produce Sales of $1,000 and Over: 1974