1. Corn for all purposes and corn harvested for grain - Acreage for all purposes, 1924 to 1944; and acreage for grain, 1879 to 1944; for the United States
2. Corn harvested for grain - Production for the United States: 1839 to 1944
3. Wheat threshed - Acreage of all wheat, with supplemental data for winter wheat and spring wheat, for the United States: 1879 to 1944
4. Wheat threshed - Production of all wheat, with supplemental data for winter wheat and spring wheat for the United States: 1839 to 1944
5. Oats for grain - Acreage of oats threshed, 1879 to 1944, and of oats cut for feeding unthreshed, 1924 to 1944; and production of oats threshed, 1839 to 1944; for the United States
6. Barley threshed - Acreage, 1879 to 1944; and production, 1839 to 1944; for the United States
7. Rice (rough or paddy) threshed - Acreage, 1879 to 1944; and production, 1839 to 1944; for the United States
8. Flax threshed - Acreage, 1889 to 1944; and production, 1849 to 1944; for the United States
9. All hay, excluding sorghums - Acreage, 1879 to 1944, and production, 1839 to 1944; for the United States
10. Peanuts - Acreage for all purposes and for nuts, for the United States: 1889 to 1944
11. Soybeans - Acreage for all purposes and for beans, for the United States: 1909 to 1944
12. Cotton harvested - Acreage, 1879 to 1944; and production, 1839 to 1944; for the United States
13. Tobacco harvested - Acreage, 1879 to 1944; and production, 1839 to 1944; for the United States
14. Irish potatoes - Acreage, 1889 to 1944; and production, 1849 to 1944; for the United States
15. Vegetables harvested for sale (except Irish and sweet potatoes) - Acreage and value, for the United States: 1909 to 1944
1. Summary for specified crops - Acreage and value of production with comparative data for all crops and cropland harvested, for the United States: 1879 to 1944
2. Specified field crops and vegetables - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, for the United States: 1839 to 1944
3. Specified crops - Total value and percent of total represented by the several kinds, for the United States: 1944 and 1939
4. Vetches cut for hay and for seed, and hops harvested - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, for Idaho, Oregon, and Washington: 1944 and 1939
5. Total acreage of cropland harvested and of specified crops, and value of specified crops, 1944 and 1939; and value of all crops, 1939; by divisions and States
6. Corn for all purposes - Farms reporting and acreage, 1924 to 1944; and value, 1944 and 1939; by divisions and States
7. Corn harvested for grain and for purposes other than for grain- Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
8. Corn harvested for grain - Farms reporting, 1899 to 1944; and acreage, 1879 to 1944; by divisions and States
9. Corn harvested for grain - Production, 1839 to 1944; and yield per acre, 1879 to 1944; by divisions and States
10. Sorghums for all purposes, except for sirup - Farms reporting and value, 1929 to 1944; and acreage, 1924 to 1944; by divisions and States
11. Sorghums harvested for grain and for purposes other than for grain or sirup - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
12. Sorghums harvested for grain - Farms reporting, acreage, and production, by divisions and States: 1899 to 1929
13. Sorghums saved for hay or dry forage - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944 and 1939
14. Wheat threshed - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
15. Winter and spring wheat threshed - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
16. Wheat threshed - Farms reporting any wheat threshed, 1899 to 1939; and acreage, 1879 to 1944; with supplemental data for winter and spring wheat; by divisions and States
17. Wheat threshed - Production of all wheat, 1839 to 1944, and of winter wheat, 1889, 1909 to 1929; by divisions and States
18. Durum and macaroni and other spring wheat threshed - Farms reporting and acreage, 1909, 1929 to 1944; production, 1869, 1909, 1929 to 1944; and value, 1944 and 1939; by divisions and States
19. Oats threshed and oats cut for feeding unthreshed - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
20. Oats threshed and oats cut for feeding unthreshed - Farms reporting, acreage, and value of oats for grain, 1944, 1939, and 1934; with data for oats threshed and for oats cut for feeding unthreshed, 1879 to 1929; by divisions and States
21. Oats threshed - Production, 1839 to 1944; and yield per acre, 1879 to 1929; by divisions and States
22. Barley threshed - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value; by divisions and States: 1944 and 1939
23. Rye threshed - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944 and 1939
24. Barley threshed - Farms reporting, 1899 to 1934; acreage, 1879 to 1934; and production, 1839 to 1944; by divisions and States
25. Rye threshed - Farms reporting, 1899 to 1934; acreage, 1879 to 1934; and production, 1839 to 1944; by divisions and States
26. Mixed grains threshed - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1919 to 1944
27. Flax threshed - Farms reporting, 1899 to 1944; acreage, 1889 to 1944; production, 1849 to 1944; and value, 1944 and 1939; by divisions and States
28. Rice (rough or paddy) threshed - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
29. Rice (rough or paddy) threshed - Farms reporting, 1899 to 1929; acreage, 1879 to 1929; and production, 1839 to 1929; by States
30. Annual legumes for all purposes, except for green manure - Farms reporting, by divisions and States: 1939, 1934, and 1929
31. Soybeans for all purposes, except for green manure - Farms reporting, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
32. Soybeans harvested for beans only - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
33. Cowpeas for all purposes, except green manure - Farms reporting and acreage, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
34. Cowpeas harvested for peas - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
35. Peanuts for all purposes - Farms reporting and acreage, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
36. Peanuts harvested for nuts only - Farms reporting, acreage, production and value, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
37. Dry field and seed beans harvested (except soybeans and velvetbeans) - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944 and 1939
38. All dry field and seed peas harvested (except cowpeas and Austrian peas) - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944 and 1939
39. All hay, excluding sorghums for hay - Acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
40. Alfalfa cut for hay - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
41. Clover or timothy (alone or mixed) cut for hay - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
42. Small grains cut for hay - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
43. Specified annual legumes saved for hay - Farms reporting, acreage, and production, 1944, 1939, and 1934; and value, 1944 and 1939; by divisions and States
44. Other tame hay (excluding sorghums) and wild hay cut - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
45. All hay, excluding sorghums for hay - Farms reporting, 1939 and 1929; acreage, 1879 to 1944; and production, 1839 to 1944; by divisions and States
46. Alfalfa, red clover, and lespedeza seed - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944 and 1939
47. Cotton harvested - Farms reporting, 1899 to 1944; acreage, 1879 to 1944; production of lint cotton, 1839 to 1944; with value, 1944, 1939, and 1934; and production of cottonseed, 1899 to 1944, with value, 1944 and 1939; by divisions and States
48. Tobacco - Farms reporting, 1899 to 1929; acreage, 1879 to 1929; and production, 1839 to 1944; by divisions and States
49. Tobacco - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934
50. Sugarcane harvested for sugar and/or sirup - Farms reporting and production, 1929 to 1944; acreage, 1879 to 1944; and value, 1944 and 1939; by States
51. Sugar beets harvested for sugar - Farms reporting, acreage, and production, 1899 to 1944; and value, 1944 and 1939; by States
52. Irish potatoes - Farms reporting, acreage, and production, 1944, 1939, and 1934; and value, 1944 and 1939; by divisions and States
53. Irish potatoes - Farms reporting, 1899 to 1929; acreage, 1889 to 1929; and production, 1849 to 1929; by divisions and States
54. Sweetpotatoes and yams - Farms reporting, 1944, 1939, and 1934; acreage, 1889 to 1944; production, 1849 to 1944; and value, 1944 and 1939; by divisions and States
55. Vegetables grown for home use (excluding Irish and sweet potatoes) - Farms reporting, 1909 to 1944; and value, 1919 to 1944; by divisions and States
56. Vegetables harvested for sale (excluding Irish and sweet potatoes) - Farms reporting, acreage, and value, by divisions and States: 1929 to 1944
57. Specified vegetables harvested for sale - Farms reporting and acreage, with percent distribution of acreage by kind, by divisions and States: 1944, 1939, and 1934