224. Corn Harvested for All Purposes: 1978
225. Corn Harvested for All Purposes - Increase and Decrease in Acreage: 1974 to 1978
226. Corn Harvested for All Purposes by County: 1978
227. Acres of Corn Harvested as a Percent of Harvested Cropland: 1978
228. Corn Harvested for Grain: 1978
229. Corn Cut for Silage or Green Chop: 1978
230. Sorghums Harvested for All Purposes, Except Syrup: 1978
231. Sorghums Harvested for All Purposes - Increase and Decrease in Acreage: 1974 to 1978
232. Sorghums Harvested for All Purposes, Except Syrup, by County: 1978
233. Acres of Sorghums Harvested for All Purposes, Except Syrup, as a Percent of Harvested Cropland: 1978
234. Sorghums Harvested for Grain: 1978
235. Wheat Harvested for Grain: 1978
236. Wheat Harvested for Grain - Increase and Decrease in Acreage: 1974 to 1978
237. Wheat Harvested for Grain by County: 1978
238. Acres of Wheat Harvested for Grain as a Percent of Harvested Cropland: 1978
239. Oats Harvested for Grain: 1978
240. Oats Harvested for Grain - Increase and Decrease in Acreage: 1974 to 1978 (Farms With Sales of $2,500 or More)
241. Barley Harvested for Grain: 1978
242. Barley Harvested for Grain - Increase and Decrease in Acreage: 1974 to 1978 (Farms With Sales of $2,500 or More)
243. Rye Harvested for Grain: 1978
244. Flaxseed Harvested: 1978
245. Rice Harvested: 1978
246. Soybeans Harvested for Beans: 1978
247. Soybeans Harvested for Beans - Increase and Decrease in Acreage: 1974 to 1978
248. Soybeans Harvested for Beans by County: 1978
249. Acres of Soybeans Harvested for Beans as a Percent of Harvested Cropland: 1978
250. Peanuts Harvested for Nuts: 1978
251. Dry Field and Seed Beans Harvested for Beans: 1978
252. Cotton Harvested: 1978
253. Cotton Harvested - Increase and Decrease in Acreage: 1974 to 1978
254. Acres of Cotton Harvested as a Percent of Harvested Cropland: 1978
255. Sunflower Seed Harvested: 1978
256. Sugar Beets Harvested for Sugar: 1978
257. Sugarcane Harvested for Sugar: 1978
258. Irish Potatoes Harvested: 1978
259. Irish Potatoes Harvested - Increase and Decrease n Acreage: 1974 to 1978
260. Tobacco Harvested: 1978
261. Tobacco Harvested - Increase and Decrease n Acreage: 1974 to 1978
262. Land From Which Hay Was Cut: 1978
263. Land From Which Hay Was Cut by County: 1978
264. Land From Which Hay Was Cut - Increase and Decrease in Acreage: 1974 to 1978
265. Land From Which Hay Was Cut as a Percent of Harvested Cropland: 1978
266. Alfalfa Hay Cut: 1978
267. Alfalfa Hay Cut - Increase and Decrease in Acreage: 1974 to 1978 (Farms With Sales of $2,500 or More)
268. Other Tame Dry Hay Cut: 1978
269. Small Grain Hay Cut: 1978
270. Wild Hay Cut: 1978
271. Grass Silage and Haylage Harvested: 1978
272. Alfalfa Seed Harvested: 1978
273. Red Clover Seed Harvested: 1978