1. Population, farms, farm acreage, and value of specified farm property, for the Territory: 1900 to 1939
3. Number of farms, acreage, and value, by size of farm, for the Territory: 1900 to 1939
5. Number of farms, acreage, and specified farm values, by tenure of operator, for the Territory: 1900 to 1939
10. Number, acreage, and value of farms, by year of occupancy and tenure of operator, for the Territory: 1939
12. Specified farm expenditures for the Territory: 1899 to 1939
14. Nonwhite operators - Number of farms, acreage, and specified farm values and expenditures, 1900 to 1939; by tenure and race of operator, 1939; for the Territory
16. Specified classes of livestock on farms and ranches, with specified products, and livestock not on farms or ranches, for the Territory: 1900 to 1939
21. Summary for specified crops for the Territory: 1899 to 1939
Judicial Division Tables
2. Population, farms, farm acreage, and value of specified farm property, by Judicial Divisions: 1939 and 1929
4. Number of farms, acreage, and value, by size of farm, by Judicial Divisions: 1939 and 1929
6. Number of farms, acreage, and specified farm values, by tenure of operator, by Judicial Divisions: 1939 and 1929
7. Number of farm operators, by principal occupation, by Judicial Divisions: 1939 and 1929
8. Number, acreage, and value of farms, by age and tenure of operator, by Judicial Divisions: 1939
9. Number of farm operators by year of occupancy and tenure of operator, by Judicial Divisions: 1939 and 1929
11. Farm mortgage debt for full owners and part owners, by type of farm; by Judicial Divisions, and by age and year of occupancy of the operator, for the Territory: 1939
13. Farm expenditures for labor and feed by tenure of operator, by Judicial Divisions: 1939 and 1929
15. Number of farms, acreage, and specified farm values and expenditures, by type of farm and tenure of operator, by Judicial Divisions: 1939
17. Specified classes of livestock on farms and ranches, with specified products, by Judicial Divisions: 1939 and 1929
18. Specified classes of livestock not on farms, by Judicial Divisions: 1939 and 1929
19. Fur animals on farms, 1939 and 1929; and number and value of animals and of pelts sold, 1939; by Judicial Divisions
20. Fur animals not on farms, by Judicial Divisions: 1939 and 1929
22. Field crops - Farms reporting, acreage, and production, with sales of hay, by Judicial Divisions: 1939 and 1929
23. Vegetables harvested for sale, farm gardens, and horticultural specialties, by Judicial Divisions: 1939 and 1929
24. Value of fruits sold; farms reporting, acreage, and production of small fruits; and farms reporting, number of bearing and nonbearing trees, and production of orchard fruits; by Judicial Divisions: 1939 and 1929
25. Sales of specified livestock and livestock products and crops, by tenure of operator, by Judicial Divisions: 1939
1. Appendix
1. Hawaii
Territorial Tables
1. Farms and farm acreage, by race and by tenure of operator, and by size of farm: 1900 to 1940
2. Value of farms, by race and by tenure of operator, and value of buildings and implements and machinery, by tenure: 1900 to 1940
3. Mortgaged farms operated by full owners and part owners, classified by race of farm operator and interest rate, 1940
4. Work off farm for pay or income, by race and by tenure of operator, 1939
5. Age of farm operators by race and by tenure of operator, 1940
6. Year of occupancy, by race and by tenure of farm operator, 1940
7. Specified farm machinery and facilities, 1940; farm labor for a specified week of 1939 and 1940; farm expenditures, 1939; and by race and by tenure of farm operator
8. Specified classes of livestock on farms, 1900 to 1940; and livestock products, 1899 to 1939
9. Specified crops - Farms reporting, acreage, and production: 1899 to 1939
11. Farms reporting and value of farm products sold, traded, or used by farm households, classified by size of total value of farm products, 1939
County Tables
1. Farms, farm acreage, and value, 1940, 1930, and 1920; farm land according to use, 1939 and 1929; and value of buildings and implements and machinery, 1940 and 1930
2. Farms, 1940 and 1930; farm acreage, and value of land and buildings, 1940 and 1930; value of buildings and implements and machinery, 1940; and cropland harvested, 1939; by tenure and race of operator
3. Number of farms, 1940 and 1930; farm acreage and specified values, 1940; and cropland harvested, 1939; by size of farm
4. Farm mortgage debt of full owners and part owners, April 1, 1940
5. Work off farm, 1939; and age and year of occupancy, April 1, 1940
6. Farm labor for a specified week of 1939 and of 1940; farm expenditures, 1939; and farm machinery and facilities, April 1, 1940
7. Farms, farm acreage, value of land and buildings and number of dwellings, automobiles, motortrucks, and tractors, 1940; and cropland harvested and irrigated land, 1939; for incorporated farms
8. Specified classes of livestock on farms and ranches, Apr. 1, 1940 and 1930; and specified livestock products, 1939 and 1929
9. Specified poultry on hand, Apr. 1, 1940 and 1930; chicken eggs produced and specified poultry raised, 1939 and 1929; chickens sold, 1939; bees on hand, Apr. 1, 1940, and honey produced, 1939; and farm slaughter, and purchases and sales of livestock, 1939
10. Acreage and quantity of crops harvested in 1939 and 1929
11. Vegetables harvested for sale, 1939 and 1929; and horticultural specialties, 1939
12. Land in tree fruits, pineapples, coffee, nuts, and grapes, 1940; citrus, other fruit and nut trees and grapevines, 1940 and 1930, with production, 1939
13. Value of farm products sold, traded, or used by farm households with percentage of farms reporting and percent distribution of value of products, by source of income, 1939
14. Farms reporting and value of farm products sold, traded, or used by farm households, classified by major source of income, 1939
15. Farms reporting and value of farm products sold, traded, or used by farm households, classified by total value of products, 1939
1. Population, agricultural establishments, and acreage, by municipalities, 1940 and 1930; with totals for 1920; for Guam
2. Number of agricultural establishments (farms and nonfarm places) with acreage, by tenure of operator, by municipalities: 1940
3. Number of farms and farm acreage, by size of farm and tenure of operator, by municipalities: 1940
4. Number of nonfarm places (reporting livestock only), by size of property and tenure of operator, by municipalities, with like classification of acreage for Guam as a whole: 1940
5. Number farms and farm acreage, by age and tenure of operator, by municipalities: 1940
6. Number of nonfarm places (reporting livestock only), by age and tenure of operator, by municipalities, with like classification of acreage for Guam as a whole: 1940
7. Agricultural establishments reporting and number of specified classes of livestock, by municipalities, 1940 and 1930; with totals for 1920
8. Specified field crops - Farms reporting, acreage, and production, by municipalities, 1939 and 1929; with totals for acreage and production, 1919
9. Specified fruits and nuts - Farms reporting and number of trees or plants, 1940 and 1930, and quantity harvested, 1939 and 1929, by municipalities; with totals for number of trees or plants, 1920, and quantity harvested, 1919
10. Exports of copra from Guam, by country of destination: 1915 to 1940
1. Appendix
American Samoa
1. American Samoa
1. Population, 1940, 1930, and 1920; land area, 1940; and number of farms, 1940 and 1930; by islands, districts, and counties, for American Samoa
2. Number of farms, by age and tenure of operator, for American Samoa: 1940
3. Number of farms, by age of operator, by islands, districts, and counties: 1940
4. Farms reporting and number of livestock of specified classes on farms, 1940; and on farms and nonfarm places, 1930; by islands, districts, and counties; with numbers, 1920, by districts
5. Specified field crops - Farms reporting, 1939 and 1929; with acres and production, 1929, by islands, districts, and counties
6. Specified fruits and nuts - Farms reporting and number of trees or plants, by islands, districts, and counties: 1940 and 1930
7. Exports of copra from American Samoa to the United States: 1931 to 1939
1. Appendix
Puerto Rico
1. Puerto Rico
1. Number, area, and value of farms: 1910 to 1940
2. Number, area, and value of farms, by tenure: 1910 to 1940
3. Number of farms operated by all owners, and number, acreage, and value of farms operated by full owners, by mortgage status; with mortgage debt on farms operated by full owners: 1910 to 1940
4. Number and area of farms, by size: 1910 to 1940
5. Number, area, and value of farms, by size, 1940
6. Farmers by tenure and year when they began to operate their farms, 1940
7. Farmers reporting and number of days worked off the farm, by tenure and number of days worked, 1939
8. Farmers reporting work off the farm, by occupation and tenure, 1939
9. Automobiles, motortrucks, and tractors, 1940 and 1930; engines and motors, 1940; and expenditures for feed, fertilizer and manure, and wages, 1939 and 1929; by tenure
10. Livestock on farms: 1910 to 1940
11. Domestic animals not on farms: 1920 to 1940
12. Acreage and production of principal field crops: 1909 to 1939
13. Farms reporting principal field crops, classified by number of cuerdas harvested, 1939
14. Vegetables harvested for sale: 1939, 1935, and 1929
15. Number of fruit trees or plants and production of the principal fruits and of coconuts: 1910 to 1940
16. Number, area, and value of farms, 1940 and 1930; and classes of land, 1939; by municipalities
17. Number of farms reporting various classes of land, and value of buildings, and implements and machinery, by municipalities, 1940
18. Number of farms, all land in farms, cropland, and value of land and buildings for farms reporting irrigated land, by municipalities, 1940
19. Number, area, and value of farms, by size of farm, by municipalities, 1940
20. Number of farms, all land in farms, and cropland, by tenure, by municipalities: Census of 1940
21. Value of farms, buildings, and implements and machinery, by tenure, by municipalities, 1940
22. Percent distribution of farms and farm land, average size of farms, and average amount of cropland, by tenure, by municipalities, 1940
23. Number, area, and value of farms operated by full owners, by mortgage status, 1940
24. Number, area, and value of farms operated by part owners, by mortgage status, 1940
25. Farmers by tenure and by year when they began to operate their farms, by municipalities, 1940
26. Land used by agregados living on the farm and land in farms operated by part owners, by municipalities, 1940
27. Farms by class of road on which located, by municipalities, 1940
28. Farmers reporting work off the farm, by occupation and days worked, by municipalities, 1940
29. Farm expenditures for feed for livestock and poultry, 1939 and 1929; and by tenure of operator, 1939; by municipalities
30. Farm expenditures for fertilizer and manure, 1939 and 1929; and by tenure of operator, 1939; by municipalities
31. Cash farm expenditures for wages and salaries (housework excluded), 1939 and 1929; and by tenure of operator, 1939; by municipalities
32. Automobiles and motortrucks on farms, by municipalities, 1940
33. Horses, mules, burros, and sheep on farms, by municipalities: 1940 and 1930
34. Goats and hogs on farms, by municipalities: 1940 and 1930
35. Cattle on farms, by municipalities: 1940 and 1930
36. Cows milked, milk produced, and milk sold, by municipalities: 1939 and 1929
37. Chickens on farms, 1940 and 1930; and eggs, 1939 and 1929; by municipalities
38. Farms reporting and number of other poultry, 1940; hives of bees, 1940 and 1930; and honey produced in 1939; by municipalities
39. Domestic animals not on farms, by municipalities, 1940
40. Principal field crops - Farms reporting, area, and production, by municipalities: 1939 and 1929
41. Vegetables harvested for sale - Farms reporting, cuerdas, and value, by municipalities: 1939 and 1929
42. Fruits - Land in fruits, 1940; farms reporting and trees, 1940 and 1930; and production, 1939 and 1929; by municipalities
1. Appendix
Virgin Islands of the United States
1. Virgin Islands of the United States
1. Population, farms, farm acreage, and value of specified farm property, for the Virgin Islands of the United States, by islands: 1940, 1930, and 1917
2. Farm acreage, Apr. 1, 1940, classified according to use in 1939, by islands
3. Number of farms, acreage, and value of specified farm property, by size of farm, by islands: 1940, 1930, and 1917
4. Number of farms, acreage, and value of specified farm property, by size of farm, by color and tenure of operator: 1940, 1930, and 1917
5. Number of farm operators, by age, and by color and tenure of operator, for the Virgin Islands of the United States: 1940 and 1917
6. Number of farms, acreage, and value, by age and color of operator, and by age and tenure of operator, by islands: 1940
7. Number of farm operators, by year of occupancy, and by color and tenure of operator, for the Virgin Islands of the United States: 1940 and 1917
8. Number of farms, acreage, and value, by year of occupancy, 1940 and 1930, and by color and by tenure of operator, 1940, by islands
9. Farm mortgage debt for full owners and part owners, by color, by islands, and by age, and by year of occupancy for the Virgin Islands as a group, 1940; with data for all owners, by color, by islands, 1930
10. Work off farm for pay or income - Number of farm operators by days worked off farm, acreage and value of farms, and number of days worked off farm, by color and tenure of operator for the Virgin Islands as a group; and by color and by tenure of operator by islands: Census of 1940
11. Specified farm expenditures for the Virgin Islands, 1939, 1929, and 1917; and by color and tenure of operator, by islands, 1939 and 1929
12. Automobiles, motortrucks, and tractors on farms, by color and tenure of operator, 1940 and 1930; and engines and electric motors, and kind of road on which farm is situated, by color of operator, 1940; by islands
13. Automobiles, motortrucks, and tractors on farms - Number of farms reporting, by year of latest model, for the Virgin Islands of the United States: 1940
14. Specified classes of livestock on farms and plantations, by islands: 1940, 1930, and 1917
15. Specified livestock products for farms and plantations, by islands, 1939 and 1929, with similar data for the Virgin Islands as a group, 1917
16. Specified classes of livestock not on farms or plantations: 1930 and 1917
17. Field crops and vegetables - Farms reporting, acreage, and production of field crops harvested, and farms reporting, acreage, and total value of vegetables harvested for sale, by islands: 1939, 1929, and 1917
18. Fruits and nuts - Farms reporting, number of bearing and nonbearing trees or plants, acreage, and total value of fruits and nuts sold or traded, by islands: Censuses of 1940, 1930, and 1917