1. Whole milk sold, Number of gallons, by States: 1939 and 1929
2. Butter churned on farms - Number of pounds, by States: 1939 and 1899
3. Cattle - Number in the United States: 1840 - 1940
4. Cows kept mainly for milk production - Number in the United States: 1850 - 1940
5. Classification by number of cows milked - Farms reporting and number of cows milked, 1939, with number of cows kept for milk, April 1, 1940; for the United States
6. Classification by number of cows milked in 1939 for the United States and selected States - Percent of total farms in each group reporting milk sold, cream sold, and butter churned
7. Classification by number of cows milked in 1939 for the United States and selected States - Percent distribution of total quantities of milk sold, cream sold, and butter churned
8. The dairyman's dollar - Distribution of income on dairy farms and of value of sales of specified dairy products on all farms, for the United States, 1939
1. History of enumeration of cattle and dairy products - Facsimile copies of poertions of schedules devoted to these items: Censuses of 1840 to 1940
2. Classification by number of cows milked - Farms reporting, number of cows milked, and milk production, 1939 and 1929; butter churned and dairy products sold, 1939; and number of cows kept mainly for milk production, 1940; with specified averages and percentages; for the United States
3. Value of farm products sold, traded, or used by farm households on all classified farms and dairy products farms, for the United States: 1939
4. Farms classified by major source of income - Value of all farm products sold, traded, or used by farm households and value of major source; with farms reporting and income from dairy products sold or traded; for the United States: 1939
5. Livestock and livestock products - Farms reporting, number, and value of all cattle and cows kept for milk and for beef, and farms reporting, quantity, and value of dairy products, 1840 to 1940; with similar data for other specified classes of livestock and livestock products, 1940 and 1930; for the United States
6. Farms reporting cows and heifers milked classified by number milked, 1939 and 1929, with total farms reporting for 1934; average number milked per farm reporting, 1939, 1934, and 1929; and ratio of cows kept for milk to cows milked, Censuses of 1940 and 1930; by divisions and States
7. Cows milked, milk produced, and butter churned - Farms reporting, number of cows milked, production of milk, and quantity and value of butter churned, by divisions and States: 1939, 1934, and 1929
8. Cows kept for milk, cows milked, and milk produced - Farms reporting cows kept for milk, 1900 to 1940, and number, 1850 to 1940; farms reporting cows milked, 1919 to 1939, and number milked, 1924 to 1939; and milk produced, 1889 to 1939; by divisions and States
9. Butter churned on farms - Farms reporting, 1919, 1909, and 1899; and quantity, 1869 to 1939; by divisions and States
10. Dairy products sold - Farms reporting, quantity, and value of whole milk, cream, and butter sold, by divisions and States: 1939 and 1929
11. Dairy products sold - Quantity of whole milk sold, 1869 to 1939; quantity of cream sold, 1899 to 1929; and quantity of butter sold, 1899 to 1939; by divisions and States
12. Classification by number of cows milked - Farms reporting, number of cows milked, and milk production, 1939 and 1929; butter churned and dairy products sold, 1939; with number of cows kept mainly for milk production, 1940; by divisions and States
13. Classification by number of cows milked - Ratio of cows kept for mil to cows milked; average milk production per cow; percent of milk sold as whole milk and as cream; and other specified averages and percentages; by divisions and States: 1939
14. Cattle - Farms reporting and number of cattle and of cows and heifers, with value of cattle, by divisions and States: 1940, 1935, and 1930
15. Cows and heifers kept for milk and for beef - Farms reporting, number, and value, 1940 and 1930; and value of cows and heifers and of other cattle, 1940, 1935, and 1930; by divisions and States
16. Value of all farm products sold, traded, or used by farm households and income from dairy products sold or traded on all classified farms with similar data for dairy products farms, and selected averages and percentages per farm classified by major source of income, by divisions and States: 1939
17. Dairy products farms - Percent of farms reporting and of income from specified sources, by divisions and States: 1939
18. Percent of all classified farms reporting income sales of dairy products and percent of total value of farm products sold, traded, or used by farm households represented by income from dairy products sold or traded, by major source of income groups, by divisions and States: 1939
19. Cows milked and milk produced, 1939 and 1929; dairy products sold and butter churned, 1939; and cows kept for milk Apr. 1, 1940; by number of cows milked, by Counties