1. Acres of specified field crops and vegetables harvested, for the United States: 1954, 1949, and 1944
2. Corn for all purposes and corn harvested for grain - Acreage for all purposes, 1924 to 1954; and acreage for grain, 1879 to 1954; for the United States
3. Corn harvested for grain - Production, for the United States: 1839 to 1954
4. Wheat threshed - Acreage of all wheat, with supplemental data for winter wheat and spring wheat; for the United States: 1879 to 1954
5. Wheat threshed - Production of all wheat, with supplemental data for winter wheat and spring wheat; for the United States: 1839 to 1954
6. Oats threshed - Acres, 1879 to 1954; and production, 1839 to 1954: for the United States
7. Barley threshed - Acreage, 1879 to 1954; and production, 1839 to 1954; for the United States
8. Flaxseed threshed - Acreage, 1889 to 1954; and production, 1849 to 1954; for the United States
9. Rice threshed - Acreage, 1879 to 1954; and production, 1839 to 1954; for the United States
10. Soybeans - acreage for all purposes and for beans, for the United States: 1909 to 1954
11. Peanuts - acreage for all purposes and for nuts, for the United States: 1889 to 1954
12. All hay, excluding specified annual legume and sorghum hay - Acres, 1879 to 1954; and production, 1839 to 1954: for the United States
13. Cotton harvested - Acreage, 1879 to 1954; and production, 1839 to 1954; for the United States
14. Tobacco harvested - Acreage, 1879 to 1954; and production, 1839 to 1954; for the United States
15. Irish potatoes - Acreage, 1889 to 1954; and production, 1849 to 1954; for the United States
16. Acreage of specified vegetable crops harvested for sale, for the United States: 1954, 1949, and 1944
4. Corn for all purposes - Farms reporting, 1924 to 1954; acreage, 1919 to 1954; and value, 1939 to 1954: by divisions and States
5. Corn for all purposes - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
6. Corn utilization - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
7. Corn harvested for grain - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
8. Corn sold - Farms reporting and value of sales, 1954 and 1949; and bushels sold, 1909 to 1954: by divisions and States
9. Corn sold - Farms reporting by number of bushels sold, by divisions and States: 1954
10. Corn harvested for grain - Farms reporting, acreage, and production; by divisions and States: 1899 to 1944
11. Corn cut for silage and corn hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry forage - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value; by divisions and States: 1919 to 1939
12. Sorghum for all purposes except sirup - Farms reporting, acreage, and value; by divisions and States: 1919 to 1954
13. Sorghum utilization - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value, 1954 and 1949; and tons of dry forage sold, 1954: by divisions and States
14. Sorghum for all purposes except sirup - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
15. Sorghum harvested for grain or seed - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
16. Sorghum harvested for grain or seed - Farms reporting, acreage and production, 1899 to 1944; and value, 1934 to 1944: by divisions and States
17. Sorghums for purposes other than grain or sirup - Acreage, 1944, 1939, and 1934; with comparative data for sorghum for hay or dry forage, 1944 and 1939; and sorghum for silage, 1939: by divisions and States
18. Sorghum for grain or seed - Farms reporting and value of sales, 1954 and 1949; bushels sold, 1954; with farms reporting by bushels sold, 1954: by divisions and States
19. Wheat threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and quantity sold; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
20. Winter wheat threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and quantity sold; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
21. Winter wheat threshed or combined - Farms reporting by acres harvested; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
22. Winter wheat threshed or combined - Farms reporting by bushels harvested, 1954; and farms reporting by bushels sold, 1954 and 1949: by divisions and States
23. Winter wheat threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, and production; by divisions and States: 1909 to 1944
24. Spring wheat threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and quantity sold; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
25. Spring wheat threshed or combined - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by States: 1954 and 1949
26. Spring wheat threshed or combined - Farms reporting by bushels harvested, 1954; and farms reporting by bushels sold, 1954 and 1949: by States
27. Spring wheat threshed or combined - Farms reporting, 1919 to 1944; and acreage and production, 1909 to 1944: by divisions and States
28. Durum or macaroni wheat and other spring wheat threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and quantity sold; by States: 1954 and 1949
29. Durum or macaroni wheat and other spring wheat threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, and production; by divisions and States: 1909 to 1944
31. Oats threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and quantity sold; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
32. Oats threshed or combined - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by bushels harvested, and by bushels sold; by divisions and States: 1954
33. Oats threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, and production; by divisons and States: 1899 to 1944
34. Barley threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and quantity sold; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
35. Barley threshed or combined - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by bushels harvested, and by bushels sold; by divisions and States: 1954
36. Barley threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, and production; by divisons and States: 1899 to 1944
37. Rye threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and quantity sold; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
38. Rye threshed or combined - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by bushels harvested, and by bushels sold; by divisions and States: 1954
39. Rye threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, and production; by divisons and States: 1899 to 1944
40. Flaxseed threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and quantity sold; by States: 1954 and 1949
41. Flaxseed threshed or combined - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by bushels harvested, and by bushels sold; by States: 1954
42. Flaxseed threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, and production; by States: 1899 to 1944
43. Buckwheat threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and quantity sold; States: 1954 and 1949
44. Buckwheat threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, and production; by States: 1909 to 1939
45. Buckwheat threshed or combined - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by bushels harvested, and by bushels sold: by States: 1954
46. Rice threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, and production; by States: 1899 to 1944
47. Rice threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and quantity sold; by States: 1954 and 1949
48. Rice threshed or combined - Farms reporting by acres harvested and units sold, 1954 and 1949; and farms reporting by units harvested, 1954: by States
49. Emmer and spelt threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and quantity sold: by States: 1954 and 1949
50. Emmer and spelt threshed or combined - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by bushels harvested, and by bushels sold; by States: 1954
51. Emmer and spelt threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, and production, 1909 to 1939; and value, 1939 and 1929: by States
52. Proso millet threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and quantity sold; with farms reporting by acres harvested, by bushels; harvested, and by bushels sold by States: 1954
53. Mixed grains threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, and production, 1939 to 1954; and value of production and quantity sold, 1954: by divisions and States
54. Mixed grains threshed or combined - FArms reporting by acres harvested and by quantity sold; by divisions and States: 1954
55. Other grain threshed or combined - Farms reporting by acres harvested and by quantity sold, by divisions and States: 1954
56. Other grain threshed or combined - Farms reporting, acreage, producion, value of production, and quantity sold; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
57. Soybeans for all purposes - Farms reporting and acreage; by divisions and States: 1929 to 1954
58. Soybeans harvested for beans (total grown alone and with other crops) - Farms reporting, 1934, 1939, 1949, and 1954; acreage, 1939 to 1954; production, 1929 to 1954; value of production, 1944 to 1954; and salse, 1954: by divisions and States
59. Soybeans - Farms reporting by acres for all purposes, by acres harvested for beans, and by bushels harvested; by divisions and States: 1954
60. Soybeans cut for hay, hogged or grazed, or cut for silage, and plowed under for green manure (total grown alone and with other crops) - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
61. Soybean utilization - Farms reporting and acreage, grown alone and with other crops; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
62. Soybeans - Farms reporting by acres cut for hay, by tones of hay harvested, by acres hogged or grazed, or cut for silage, and by acres plowed under for green manure; by divisions and States: 1954
63. Cowpeas for all purposes - Farms reporting and acreage, by divisions and States: 1929 to 1954
65. Cowpeas - Farms reporting by acres for all purposes (grown alone), by acres harvested for dry peas (grown alone), and by bushels harvested (total grown alone and with other crops); by States: 1954
66. Cowpeas cut for hay, hogged or grazed, or cut for silage, and plowed under for green manure (total grown alone and with other crops) - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
67. Cowpea utilization - Farms reporting and acreage, grown alone and with other crops; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
68. Cowpeas cut for hay - Farms reporting, by acres harvested (grown alone), and by tons harvested (total grown alone and with other crops); by States: 1954
69. Cowpeas hogged or grazed, or cut for silage and plowed under for green manure - Farms reporting by acres grown alone, by States: 1954
70. Peanuts for all purposes - Farms reporting and acreage, 1929 to 1954; and value, 1954; with data for grown alone and grown with other crops, 1939 to 1954: by divisions and States
71. Peanuts harvested for nuts (total grown alone and with other crops) - Farms reporting, acreage, and production, 1934 to 1954; value of production, 1954 and 1949; and value of sales, 1954: by divisions and States
72. Peanuts for all purposes - Farms reporting by acres grown alone, by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
73. Peanuts harvested for nuts (grown alone) - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
74. Peanuts harvested for nuts - Farms reporting and acreage, grown alone and grown with other crops; by divisions and States: 1939 to 1954
75. Peanuts harvested for nuts - Farms reporting by pounds harvested, by divisions and States: 1954
76. Peanut vines or tops saved for hay - Farms reporting by pounds harvested, by divisions and States: 1954
77. Peanut vines or tops saved for hay (grown alone) - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
78. Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value of production, 1954 and 1949; and value of sales, 1954; with farms reporting classified by acres harvested and by units harvested, 1954: by States
79. Dry field and seed beans - Farms reporting, acreage and production; by States: 1909 to 1944
80. Velvetbeans for all purposes - Farms reporting, acreage, and production, 1929, 1949, and 1954; value of production, 1954 and 1949; and value of sales, 1954: by States
81. Dry field and seed peas harvested for peas - Farms reporting, acreage, and production, 1054, 1949, and 1944; value of production, 1954 and 1949; and value of sales, 1954; with farms reporting classified by acres harvested and pounds harvested, 1954: by States
82. All hay, excluding specified annual legume and sorghum hay - Farms reporting, 1949; acreage, production, value of production, and quantity sold, 1954 and 1949: by divisions and States
83. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay (and for dehydrating) - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and quantity sold; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
84. Alfalfa cut for hay - Farms reporting and acreage, 1924 to 1944; and production, 1929 to 1944: by divisions and States
85. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay (and for dehydrating) - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by tons harvested, and by tons sold; by divisions and States: 1954
86. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value of production, 1954 and 1949; and quantity sold, 1954: by divisions and States
87. Clover or timothy (alone or mixed) cut for hay - Farms reporting, 1934 to 1944; acreage, 1924 to 1944; and production, 1929 to 1944: by divisions and States
88. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by tons harvested, and by tons sold; by divisions and States: 1954
89. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value of production, 1954 and 1949; and quantity sold, 1954: by divisions and States
90. Small grains cut for hay - Farms reporting and acreage, 1929 to 1944; and production, 1929 to 1944: by divisions and States
91. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by tons harvested, and by tons sold; by divisions and States: 1954
92. Other hay cut - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value of production, 1954 and 1949; and quantity sold, 1954: by divisions and States
93. Other hay cut - Farms reporting, 1944; acreage, 1909 to 1944; and production, 1909, 1919, 1929 to 1944: by divisions and States
94. Other hay cut - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by tons harvested, and by tons sold; by divisions and States: 1954
95. Wild hay cut - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value of production, 1954 and 1949; and quantity sold, 1954: by divisions and States
96. Wild hay cut - Farms reporting, acreage, and production; by divisions and States: 1919 to 1944
97. Wild hay cut - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by tons harvested, and by tons sold; by divisions and States: 1954
98. Lespedeza cut for hay - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value of production, 1954 and 1949; and quantity sold, 1954: by divisions and States
99. Lespedeza cut for hay - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by tons harvested, and by tons sold; by States: 1954
100. Grass silage (made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains) - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value of production; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
101. Grass silage (made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains) - Farms reporting by acres harvested and by tons harvested, by States: 1954
102. Alfalfa seed - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value of production, 1954 and 1949; and value of sales, 1954: by divisions and States
103. Red clover seed - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value of production, 1954 and 1949; and value of sales, 1954: by divisions and States
104. Lespedeza seed - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value of production, 1954 and 1949; and value of sales, 1954: by divisions and States
105. Timothy seed - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value of production, 1954 and 1949; and value of sales, 1954: by divisions and States
106. Specified seed crops - Farms reporting classified by acres harvested, by divisions and States: 1954
107. Sweetclover seed - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value of production, 1954 and 1949; and value of sales, 1954: by divisions and States
108. Miscellaneous clover, grass, and other field seed crops - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and value of sales; by States: 1954
109. Cotton - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value of lint and seed; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
110. Cottonseed - Production and value, by divisions and States: 1919, 1929, and 1939 to 1954
111. Cotton - Farms reporting, acreage, and production; by divisions and States: 1899 to 1944
112. Cotton - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
113. Cotton - Farms reporting by bales harvested, by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
114. Tobacco - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
115. Tobacco - Farms reporting by pounds harvested, by divisions and States: 1954
116. Tobacco - Farms reporting by acres harvested, by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
117. Tobacco - Farms reporting, acreage, and production; by divisions and States: 1899 to 1944
118. Sugar beets harvested for sugar - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value; by States: 1954 and 1949
119. Sugar beets harvested for sugar - Farms reporting, acreage, and production; by States: 1919 to 1944
120. Sugar beets harvested for sugar - Farms reporting by acres harvested, 1954 and 1949; and by tons harvested, 1954: by States
121. Popcorn - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and value of sales; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
122. Popcorn - Farms reporting and acreage, 1909 to 1939; and production, 1929 to 1939; with farms reporting classified by acres havested, 1954: by divisions and States
123. Broomcorn - Farms reporting, acreage, and production, 1909 to 1954; value of production, 1954 and 1949: by States
124. Sugarcane or sorghum for sirup - Farms reporting, acreage, production, and value; by States: 1954 and 1949
125. Miscellaneous field crops - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and value of sales; by States: 1954
126. Irish potatoes - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and value of sales, 1954 and 1949; with farms reporting by units harvested, 1954: by divisions and States
127. Irish potatoes - Farms reporting, acreage, and production, by number of acres harvested; by divisions and States: 1954
128. Irish potatoes - Farms reporting, acreage, and production; by divisions and states: 1899 to 1944
129. Sweetpotatoes - Farms reporting, acreage, production, value of production, and value of sales, 1954 and 1949; with farms reporting by bushels harvested, 1954: by divisions and States
130. Sweetpotatoes - Farms reporting, acreage, and production; by divisions and States: 1899 to 1944
131. Sweetpotatoes - Farms reporting, acreage, and production, by number of acres harvested; by divisions and States: 1954
132. Vegetables (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) grown for home use - Farms reporting, by divisions and States: 1909 to 1954
133. Vegetables harvested for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) - Farms reporting, acreage, and value; by divisions and States: 1919 to 1954
134. Specified vegetables harvested for sale - Farms reporting and acreage, by divisions and States: 1954 and 1949
135. Miscellaneous vegetables harvested for sale - Farms reporting and acreage, by divisions and States: 1954
136. Irrigation crop summary - Farms reporting, acreage, prouction, and value of production; for 20 specified States: 1954 and 1949
137. Specified crops irrigated - Farms reporting, acreage, and production, 1949 and 1939; and quantity sold, 1954: by States for 20 specified States
138. Specified fruit crops irrigated - Farms reporting, trees of all ages, and quantity harvested; by States for 20 specified States: 1954