1. Relation of labor force in agriculture to total labor force and to total population of the United States: 1820 to 1959
2. Workers on farms during specified weeks, by kind of workers, for the United States: 1835 to 1959
3. Farms by kind of workers during week preceding enumeration, by divisions and States: 1959
4. Farms reporting and number of workers, by number of workers employed per farm, by economic class of farm, by divisions and States: 1959
5. Farms reporting and number of workers, by number of workers employed per farm, by type of farm, by divisions and States: 1959
6. Farm wage rates by basis of payment and by type of farm, for the United States, the North, the South, and the West: Census of 1959
7. Farm wage rates by basis of payment and number of workers, by economic class of farm, for the United States, the North, the South, and the West: Census of 1959
8. Workers on farms, week preceding enumeration, by divisions and States: 1959
9. Workers on farms during specified weeks, by divisions and States: 1959 and 1954
10. Regular hired workers employed specified week, by divisions and States: 1959 and 1954
11. Hired workers by basis of payment and wage rates, by divisions and States: 1959 and 1954
12. Individual crops for which fertilizer data were obtained for 1959, by States
13. Use of commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material on crops and pasture, for the United States: 1959
14. Use of commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material, by divisions and States: 1959 and 1954
15. Use of commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material on crops and pasture, by States: 1959 and 1954
16. Lime and liming materials - farms reporting, tons used, acres limed, by divisions and States: 1959 and 1954
17. Farms reporting and percent of all farms reporting selected farm expenditures for the conterminous United States: 1869 to 1959
18. Farms by amount of cash expenditures for hired labor, for the United States: 1959, 1954, and 1944
19. Ratio of selected farm expenditures to the value of land and buildings and average per farm, for the conterminous United States: 1920 to 1959
20. Index number of prices paid by farmers for specified commodities bought for use in production, and of farm wage rates, for the United States: 1910 to 1959
21. Expenditures for selected items as reported by the cenus and adjusted to 1959 price level, for the conterminous United States: 1909 to 1959
22. Specified farm expenditures for commercial and other farms, for the United States: 1959 and 1954
23. Specified farm expenditures, by divisions and States: 1939 to 1959
24. Average expenditures per farm reporting for specified items, by divisions and States: 1939 to 1959
25. Percent of all farms reporting specified expenditures, by divisions and States: 1939 to 1959
26. Number of farms reporting specified amounts of expenditures for hired labor, by divisions and States: 1959, 1954, and 1949
27. Percent distribution of farms reporting cash expenditures for labor by amount expended, by divisions and States: 1959, 1954, and 1949
28. Land in arms, value of land and buildings, and cash rent paid, by cash tenants, 1930 to 1959; and by share-cash tenants, 1959; for the conterminous United States
29. Cash rent paid by cash tenants, 1930 to 1954; with number, acreage, and value of cash-tenant farms, 1959; by divisions and States