1. Farm tax and mortgage debt survey, 1961 - sampling rates and number of farms selected for the sample, by economic class of farm, by tenure or operator, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States
2. Number, acreage, value of farms, and amount of mortgage debt by tenure of operator, and by mortgage status, for the conterminous United States
3. Number, acreage, value of farms, and amount of mortgage debt, by mortgage status, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1940 to 1961
4. Number, acreage, value, and morgage debt of farms for farms operated by full owners, by mortgage status, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1940 to 1961
5. Number, acreage, value, and morgage debt for owned portion of farms for farms operated by part owners, by mortgage status, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1940 to 1961
6. Number, acreage, value of farms, and amount of mortgage debt for rented and managed land, by mortgage status, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1940 to 1961
7. Interest charges on mortgage debt by tenure of farm operator, for the conterminous United States: 1930 to 1961
8. Interest charges on mortgage debt, by tenure of farm operator, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1950 to 1961
9. Number of mortgaged farms operated by full owners, by rate of interest, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1961
10. Number of mortgaged farms operated by part owners, by rate of interest, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1961
11. Amount of farm mortgage debt held by principal lenders, for the conterminous United States: 1910 to 1961
12. Amount of farm mortgage debt held by principal lenders, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: January 1, 1961 and 1956
13. Average rate of interest on farm mortgage debt held by principal lenders, by divisions for the conterminous United States: 1961
14. Number, acreage, and value for mortgaged farms operated by full owners and by part owners, by ratio of debt to value, by divisions for the conterminous United States: 1961
15. Number of farms operated by full owners and by part owners, by age of operator, by mortgage status, by divisions for the conterminous United States: 1961 and 1956
16. Number, acreage, value of farms and amount of farm mortgage debt, for mortgaged farms operated by full owners, by economic class of farm, by divisions for the conterminous United States: 1961
17. Number, acreage, value of farms and amount of farm mortgage debt, for mortgaged farms operated by part owners, by economic class of farm, by divisions for the conterminous United States: 1961
18. Number, acreage, value of farms and amount of farm mortgage debt, for mortgaged commercial farms operated by full owners, by type of farm, by divisions for the conterminous United States: 1961
19. Number, acreage, value of farms and amount of farm mortgage debt, for mortgaged commercial farms operated by part owners, by type of farm, by divisions for the conterminous United States: 1961
20. Number of mortgaged farms operated by full owners and by part owners, by number of loans per farm, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1961
21. Number of mortgaged farms operated by full owners and by part owners, by type of lien, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1961
22. Number of mortgaged farms operated by full owners and by part owners, by days operator worked off farm, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1961
23. Number of loans for mortgaged farms operated by full owners, by period of loan, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1961
24. Number of loans for mortgaged farms operated by part owners, by period of loan, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1961
25. Number of loans for mortgaged farms operated by full owners and part owners, by year loan was made, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1961
26. Number of loans for mortgaged farms operated by full owners and part owners, by year loan is maturing, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1961
27. Taxable land and buildings, real estate taxes, tax per acre, and tax per $100 of value of land and buildings for all farms, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1961 survey
28. Taxable land and buildings, real estate taxes, tax per acre, and tax per $100 of value of land and buildings for land operated by full owners, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1961 survey
29. Taxable land and buildings, real estate taxes, tax per acre, and tax per $100 of value of land and buildings for land operated by part owners, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1961 survey
30. Taxable land and buildings, real estate taxes, tax per acre, and tax per $100 of value of land and buildings for land rented by part owners, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1961 survey
31. Taxable land and buildings, real estate taxes, tax per acre, and tax per $100 of value of land and buildings for land operated by tenants and managers, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1961 survey
32. Real and personal property taxes for farms operated by full owners and percent of total taxes, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1961 survey
33. Distribution of land in farms and value of land and buildings between privately owned and government owned lands, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1961 survey
34. Assessed value and reported value of taxable land and buildings, by divisions and States for the conterminous United States: 1961 survey