27. Farms, Land in Farms, and Harvested Cropland, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974 and 1969
28. Full Owner Farms by Land in Farms, Equipment, and Agricultural Products Sold: 1974
29. Part Owner Farms by Land in Farms, Equipment, and Agricultural Products Sold: 1974
30. Tenant Farms by Land in Farms, Equipment, and Agricultural Products Sold: 1974
31. Summary by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974
33. Land Owned and Rented by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974
34. Land Owned by Full Owners - Farms, Acres, and Value: 1974 and 1969
35. Land Owned by Part Owners and Tenants: 1974 and 1969
36. Land Rented by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974
37. Land Rented to Others by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974 and 1969
51. Selected Characteristics for All Farms and Farms With Sales Under $2,500, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974
52. Farms Operated by Black and Other Races: 1900 to 1974
53. Farms, Land in Farms, and Harvested Cropland, by Race and Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974 and 1969
54. Farms and Land in Farms With Black Farm Operators, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974
55. Farms and Land in Farms for American Indian Operators, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974
56. Farms and Land in Farms for Farm Operators of Spanish Origin, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974
57. Farms and Land in Farms for Japanese, Chinese, and Filipino Farm Operators, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974
58. Farms and Land in Farms for Farm Operators of Other Races, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974