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2. Introduction

1. Introduction


1. 74 - MP9 - Percent of Farms Operated by Full Owners: 1974

2. 74 - MP10 - Percent of Farms Operated by Part Owners: 1974

3. 74 - MP11 - Percent of Farms Operated by Tenants: 1974

4. 74 - MP51 - Percent of Farms Operated by Black and Other Races: 1974


1. Other Published Data on Race and Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

2. Farms for Each Census by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1880 to 1974

3. Owned and Rented Land by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1925 to 1974

4. Agricultural Operations Excluded by Farm Definition: 1974

5. Land in Farms, Value, and Ownership, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

8. Percent of Sales Group by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

9. Percent Distribution by Age of Farm Operator: 1974

10. Percent Distribution by Years on Present Farm: 1974

11. Percent of Economic Characteristics by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

12. Farms by Race and Tenure of Farm Operator and Land in Farms by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1880 to 1974

13. Tenure by Farms and Percent of Farms: 1974

14. Land in Farms, Tenure of Value, and Ownership, by Farm Operator: 1974

15. Percent Distribution by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

16. Percent Distribution by Size of Farm: 1974

17. Percent Distribution by Value of Land and Buildings: 1974

18. Percent of Products Sold and Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

19. Percent of Standard Industrial Classification of Farms by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

20. Farms Operated by Tenants: 1974

21. Percent of Value of Agricultural Products Sold by Class of Tenants: 1974

22. Percent Distribution by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1950 to 1974

23. Percent Distribution by Value of Sales Group: 1974 and 1969

24. Percent of Tenure of Farm Operator by Selected Racial and Ethnic Group: 1974

25. Tenure of Farm Operators for Farms and Land in Farms, by Selected Racial and Ethnic Group: 1974

26. Farm Operators of Black and Other Races: 1900 to 1974

All Farms

27. Farms, Land in Farms, and Harvested Cropland, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974 and 1969

28. Full Owner Farms by Land in Farms, Equipment, and Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

29. Part Owner Farms by Land in Farms, Equipment, and Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

30. Tenant Farms by Land in Farms, Equipment, and Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

31. Summary by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

33. Land Owned and Rented by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

34. Land Owned by Full Owners - Farms, Acres, and Value: 1974 and 1969

35. Land Owned by Part Owners and Tenants: 1974 and 1969

36. Land Rented by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

37. Land Rented to Others by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974 and 1969

51. Selected Characteristics for All Farms and Farms With Sales Under $2,500, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

52. Farms Operated by Black and Other Races: 1900 to 1974

53. Farms, Land in Farms, and Harvested Cropland, by Race and Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974 and 1969

54. Farms and Land in Farms With Black Farm Operators, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

55. Farms and Land in Farms for American Indian Operators, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

56. Farms and Land in Farms for Farm Operators of Spanish Origin, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

57. Farms and Land in Farms for Japanese, Chinese, and Filipino Farm Operators, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

58. Farms and Land in Farms for Farm Operators of Other Races, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

Farms with Sales of $2,500 and over

39. Farms, Land in Farms, and Harvested Cropland, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1959 to 1974

40. Market Value of All Agricultural Products Sold by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

41. Summary by Tenure of Operator: 1974

42. Summary by Class of Tenant: 1974

43. Land Owned and Rented and Value of Land and Buildings, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

44. Land Owned by Full Owners - Farms, Acres, and Value: 1974

45. Land Owned by Part Owners and Tenants - Farms, Acres, and Value: 1974

46. Rented Land and Value, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

47. Land Rented to Others and Value, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

48. Owned Land Rented to Others by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

49. Farms With Grazing Permits for 11 Western States by Tenure of Farm Operator and Selected Standard Industrial Classificaion of Farms: 1974

50. Farms With Grazing Permits for 11 Western States by Kind of Permit: 1974

59. Farms, Land in Farms, and Harvested Cropland for Black and Other Races, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

60. Summary by Tenure of All Farm and Black Operators for the South: 1974

1. Introduction


1. 74 - M60 - Farms Operated by Corporations: 1974

2. 74 - MP18 - Percent of Land in Farms Operated by Individuals or Families: 1974

3. 74 - MP19 - Percent of Land in Farms Operated by Partnerships: 1974

4. 74 - MP20 - Percent of Land in Farms Operated by Corporations: 1974


1. Other Published Data for Type of Organization: 1974

2. Percent of Farms by Type of Organization: 1974 and 1969

3. Percent of Land in Farms by Type of Organization: 1974 and 1969

4. Average Size of Farm by Type of Organization: 1974

5. Percent of Farms by Sze of Farm: 1974 and 1969

6. Percent of Farms by Value of Land and Buildings: 1974

7. Percent of Farms by Value of Machinery and Equipment: 1974

8. Percent of Farms by Tenure: 1974

9. Percent of Farms by Value of Sales: 1974

10. Large-Scale Farms, Land in Farms, and Percent, by Type of Organization: 1974

11. Percent of Large-Scale Farms by Type of Organization: 1974 and 1969

12. Percent of Commodity Sales Value by Type of Organization: 1974

13. Percent of Selectged Items by Type of Organization: 1974

14. Farm Characteristics by New Classification of Farms: 1974

Farms with Sales of $2,500 and over

15. Farms and Percent Distribution, by Type of Organization: 1974

16. Land in Farms and Percent Distribution, by Type of Organization: 1974

17. Farms With Harvested Cropland and Percent Distribution, by Type of Organization: 1974

18. Acres of Cropland Harvested and Percent Distribution, by Type of Organization: 1974

19. Value of Land and Buildings and Machinery and Equipment for Corporation Farms: 1974

20. Owned and Rented Lands and Value of Land and Buildings, by Type of Organization: 1974

21. Value of Products Sold and Percent Distribution, by Type of Organization: 1974

22. Value of Agricultural Products Sold and Percent Distribution, by Type of Organization: 1974

23. Summary by Type of Organization: 1974

24. Agricultural Characteristics of Primary and Business-Associated Corporations: 1974

1. Introduction


1. 74 - MP15 - Percent of Farm Operators Not Residing on Farm Operated: 1974

2. 74 - MP13 - Percent of Farm Operators 65 Years Old and Over: 1974

3. 74 - MP16 - Percent of Farm Operators Reporting Farming as Principal Occupation: 1974


1. Other Published Data for Operator Characteristics: 1974

2. Farm Operators by Residence: 1940 to 1974

3. Farm Operators by Residence: 1959 to 1974

4. Selected Characteristics of Nonresident Farm Operators: 1974

5. All Farm Operators by Residence for Selected Counties: 1974

6. Nonresident Farm Operators, Age, and Value of Sales, by Residence: 1974

7. Percent of Farm Operators by Year Operator Began Operating Present Farm: 1974

8. Percent Years on Present Farm by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974

9. Percent of Farm Operators by Years on Present Farm: 1950 to 1974

10. Farm Characteristics and Tenure, by Age of Farm Operator: 1974

11. Percent of Farms Operated by Selected Racial and Ethnic Groups: 1974

12. Farm Characteristics for All Farms and Farms Operated by Selected Racial and Ethnic Groups: 1974

13. Principal Occupation of Farm Operator, Percent Distribution: 1974

14. Farm Characteristics by Occupation of Farm Operator, Percent Distribution: 1974

15. Value of Agricultural Products Sold by Percent of Farm Operators With Off-Farm Work: 1974

16. Value of Agricultural Products Sold by Percent of Farm Operators With Off-Farm Income: 1974

17. Value of Agricultural Products Sold by Percent of Household Members With Off-Farm Income: 1974

18. Percent of Off-Farm Work by Age of Farm Operator: 1974

All Farms

19. Farm Operators by Tenure and by Age Group: 1890 to 1974

20. Farm Operators by Tenure and by Years on Present Farm: 1910 to 1974

22. Farm Operators by Tenure and by Principal Occupation: 1974

23. Farms and Percent Distribution, by Principal Occupation of Farm Operator: 1974

26. Farm Characteristics for Farms With Nonresident Operators by Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

27. Selected Characteristics by Value of Agricultural Products Sold and by Year Farm Operator Began Operating Farm: 1974

28. Selected Characteristics of Farm Operators by Age and by Year Began: 1974

30. Farm Operators by Years on Farm and by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974 and 1969

31. Off-Farm Work by Farm Operator: 1974 and 1969

32. Farms and Land in Farms With Black Operators, by Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

33. Farms and Land in Farms With Operators of Spanish Origin, by Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

34. Farms and Land in Farms With American Indian Operators, by Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

35. Farms and Land in Farms With Japanese, Chinese, and Filipino Operators, by Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

36. Farms and Land in Farms With Other Race Operators, by Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

37. Farms Operated by Selected Racial and Ethnic Groups: 1974

Farms with Sales of $2,500 and over

38. Farm Operators by Age Group: 1974 and 1969

39. Farms, Land in Farms, and Percent Distribution, by Principal Occupation of Farm Operator: 1974

40. Farms and Acres of Harvested Cropland and Percent Distribution, by Principal Occupation of Farm Operator: 1974

41. Value of Agricultural Products Sold and Percent Distribution, by Principal Occupation of Farm Operator: 1974

42. Value of Commodity Groups Sold and Percent Distribution, by Principal Occupation of Farm Operator: 1974

43. Farm Operators by Place of Residence: 1974 and 1969

44. Summary by Age and Principal Occupation of Farm Operator: 1974

45. Selected Characteristics by Tenure of Farm Operator and by Year Began: 1974

46. Farm Operators by Year Began: 1974

47. Farm Operators by Years on Farm and by Tenure: 1974

48. Off-Farm Work by Farm Operators: 1974 and 1969

1. Introduction


1. Farms by Commodity Reported Hedged and Produced Under Contract Agreement: 1974

2. Futures Market by Type of Organization: 1974

Farms with Sales of $2,500 and over

3. All Types of Contracts: 1974

4. Commodities Under Production Contract or Agreement: 1974

5. Commodities Under Marketing Contract or Agreement: 1974

6. Commodities Under Both Production and Marketing Contract or Agreement: 1974

7. Commodities Under Other or Unspecified Contracts or Agreements: 1974

8. Characteristics of Farms With Contracts by Commodity Under Contracts: 1974

9. Farms Utilizing Futures Market by Value of Agricultural Products: 1974

10. Farms Utilizing Futures Market by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

11. Farms Utilizing Futures Market by Tenure of Farm Operator and Type of Organization: 1974

12. Farms Utilizing Futures Market by Principal Occupation and Age: 1974