1. Tenure classes included in the reports for each Census, with the number of farms in each class: 1880 to 1954
2. Number of Negro and other nonwhite farm operators, for the United States: 1900 to 1954
3. Number of farms, by color and tenure of operator, for the United States: 1880 to 1954
4. Number of farms, by color and tenure of operator, for the South: 1880 to 1954
5. All land in farms, by color and tenure of operator, for the United States: 1900 to 1954
6. All land in farms, by color and tenure of operator, for the South: 1900 to 1954
7. Average value of farms (land and buildings) per farm and per acre, by color and tenure of operator, for the United States: 1900 to 1954
8. Average value of farms (land and buildings) per farm and per acre, by color and tenure of operator, for the South: 1900 to 1954
9. Cropland harvested, by color and tenure of operator, for the United States: 1924 to 1954
10. Cropland harvested, by color and tenure of operator, for the South: 1924 to 1954
11. Specified classes of land in farms according to use, by color and tenure of operator, for the United States: 1924 to 1954
12. Specified classes of land in farms according to use, by color and tenure of operator, for the South: 1924 to 1954
13. Summary uses of land, 1934 to 1954; and improved land in farms, 1920, 1910, and 1900; by color and tenure of operator: for the United States
14. Summary uses of land, 1934 to 1954; and improved land in farms, 1920, 1910, and 1900; by color and tenure of operator: for the South
15. Irrigated land by tenure of operator, summary for 20 specified States: 1929 to 1954
16. Owned and rented lands, by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1925 to 1954
17. Owned and rented lands, by tenure of operator, with similar data for nonwhite operators; for the South: 1925 to 1954
18. Farms and farm characteristics for commercial and other farms, by tenure of operator; for the United States: Censuses of 1954 and 1950
19. Farms of nonwhite operators: number and acreage, with the acreage classified according to use, for commercial and other farms, by tenure of operator; for the United States: Census of 1954
20. Farms and farm characteristics, for commercial and other farms, by tenure of the operator, with similar data for farms of nonwhite operators; for the South: Census of 1954
21. Number, acreage, and average value per farm and per acre of farms, and land classified according to use, by tenure of operator; with similar data for nonwhite operators; by divisions and States: Census of 1954
22. Number of farms, land in farms, cropland harvested, land pastured, and average value per farm and per acre, by tenure of operator; with similar data for nonwhite operators; by divisions and States: 1954, 1950, and 1945
23. Number of farms, by color and by tenure of operator, and land in farms by tenure of operator; by divisions and States: 1880 to 1954
24. Land owned, land rented from others, land managed for others, and land rented to others by farm operators; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1950
25. Land owned, land rented from others, and land rented to others, by part owners; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1950
26. Land rented from others by full owners and land owned by tenants by class of tenant; by divisions and States: 1954
27. Land rented to others by farm operators, by tenure of the landlord, by divisions and States: 1954 and 1950
28. Number of Negro and other nonwhite farm operators, by divisions and States: 1900 to 1954
29. Farms, all land in farms, cropland harvested, and average value per farm and per acre, for commercial farms, by tenure of operator; by regions and States: Censuses of 1954 and 1950
30. Operators of commercial farms, by tenure of the operator; residence, other income, off-farm work, age, and years on farm; by regions and States: 1954
31. Specified facilities and equipment for commercial farms by tenure of operator, by regions and States: Censuses of 1954 and 1950
32. Workers on commercial farms, specified week, and commercial farms by class of work power; by tenure of operator, by regions and States: 1954
33. Specified farm expenditures for commercial farms, by tenure of operator; by regions and States: 1954
34. Livestock on hand and livestock and livestock products sold, for commercial farms, by tenure of operator; by regions and States: Censuses of 1954 and 1950
35. Corn, hay, cotton, and tobacco harvested on commercial farms, by tenure of operator; by regions and States: 1954 and 1949
36. Number of "other" farms (part-time, residential, and abnormal), by tenure of operator; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1950
37. Number of part-time farms, by tenure of operator; by divisions and States: 1954
38. Number of residential farms, by tenure of operator; by divisions and States: 1954