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1. Introduction

Charts and Maps

1. Farm production regions

2. Map of the United States, showing geographic regions and divisions

3. Major uses of land, 48 conterminous States, 1959

4. Major uses of land, 50 States, 1959

5. The trend in land utilization

6. All land in farms and cropland harvested for the United States: 1850 to 1959

7. Cropland used for crops, 48 conterminous States

8. Principal cropland areas

9. Total cropland, acreage, 1959

10. Cropland harvested, acreage, 1959

11. Cropland used only for pasture, acreage, 1959

12. Cropland not harvested and not pastured, acreage, 1959

13. Cultivated summer fallow, acreage, 1959

14. Cropland harvested - increase and decrease in acreage, 1954 - 1959

15. Cropland as a percent of the total land area, 1959

16. Total cropland as a percent of all land in farms, 1959

17. Cropland harvested as a percent of the total land area, 1959

18. Total land pastured, acreage, 1959

19. Pasture other than cropland and woodland, acreage, 1959

20. Woodland pastured, acreage, 1959

21. Distribution of forest land, acreage, 1959

22. Woodland in farms, acreage, 1959

23. Woodland not pastured, acreage, 1959

24. Woodland pastured, acreage, 1959

25. Generalized land resource areas

26. Major types of farming in the United States

27. Major uses of all land as compated with ttal land area, by regions, 1959

28. Agricultural land in drainage enterprises, acreage, 1959

29. Irrigated land in farms, acreage, 1959

30. Irrigated land - increase and decrease in acreage, 1954 - 1959

31. Acreage of irrigated land for the 17 Western States and Louisiana

32. Irrigated acreage of specified crops and pasture in the 17 Western States and Louisiana, 1959

33. Land in cover crops, acreage, 1959

34. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour, acreage, 1959

35. Land in strip crops for soil erosion control, acreage, 1959

36. Percent of total land area in farms, 1959

37. All land in farms, acreage, 1959

38. Acreage of land in farms and not in farms, for the United States, 1850 to 1960

39. Land in farms, by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1959

40. Number of farms, 1959

41. Commercial farms, number, 1959

42. Other farms, number, 1959

43. Commercial farms as a percent of all farms, 1959

44. Average size of commercial farms, 1959

45. Average value of land and buildings per acre, 1959

46. United states farm population 1920 to 1960

47. United states farm population by regions, 1960

49. Tractors - increase and decrease in number, 1954 - 1959

50. Horses and mules, number, 1959

51. Acreage on which commercial fertilizer was used, 1959

52. Sources of increase in farm output

53. Average value of farm products sold per acre of all land in farms, 1959

54. Value of all crops sold as a percent of all farm products sold, 1959

55. Value of all crops sold, dollars, 1959

56. Value of vegetables harvested for sale, dollars, 1959

57. Value of fruits and nuts sold, dollars, 1959

58. Value of horticultural specialties sold, dollars, 1959

59. Value of forest products sold, dollars, 1959

60. Specified crops harvested - acreage and value of production for the United States: 1959

61. Value of dairy products sold, dollars, 1959

62. Value of all poultry and poultry products sold, dollars, 1959

63. Value of livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold, dollars, 1959

64. All wheat harvested, acreage, 1959

65. Winter wheat harvested, acreage, 1959

66. Spring wheat harvested, acreage, 1959

67. Oats harvested, acreage, 1959

68. Barley harvested, acreage, 1959

69. Rye harvested, acreage, 1959

70. Rice harvested, acreage, 1959

71. Corn for all purposes, acreage, 1959

72. Corn harvested for grain, acreage, 1959

73. Sorghums for all purposes, acreage, 1959

74. Flax harvested, acreage, 1959

75. Soybeans grown for all purposes, acreage, 1959

76. Peanuts grown for all purposes, acreage, 1959

77. Cotton harvested, acreage, 1959

78. Tobacco harvested, acreage, 1959

79. Sugar beets harvested for sugar, acreage, 1959

80. Sugarcane harvested for sugar, acreage, 1959

81. Irish potatoes, acreage, 1959

82. Land in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, acreage, 1959

83. Vegetables harvested for sale, acreage, 1959

84. Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans, acreage, 1959

85. Land from which hay was cut, acreage, 1959

86. Alfalfa cut for hay, acreage, 1959

87. Clover or timothy cut for hay, acreage, 1959

88. Wild hay cut, acreage, 1959

89. Lespedeza cut for hay, acreage, 1959

90. Cattle, number, 1959

91. Milk cows, number, 1959

92. Hogs, number, 1959

93. Sheep, number, 1959

94. Chickens sold, number, 1959

95. Turkeys raised, number, 1959

96. Cattle on farms, Jan. 1

97. Sheep and lambs on farms, Jan. 1

98. Pig crops and hog slaughter

99. Consumption of poultry meat

1. Introduction


1. Land in farms as a percent of total land area, for the United States and regions: 1880 to 1959

2. Number of farms, by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1959

3. Number and percent distribution of farms, by tenure of operator, for the United States and regions: 1900 to 1959

4. Distibution of tenant-operated farms, by class of tenant, for the United States and regions: 1900 to 1959

5. Part owners reporting specified rental arrangements, for the United States and regions: 1959

6. Land in farms, by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1959

7. Percent of farms, and farm land operated by part owners and tenants, and percent of total farm land under lease, for the United States and regions: 1880 to 1959

8. Percent of all land operated by tenants, by type of rental agreement, for the United States: 1959

9. Value of land and buildings, by tenure of operator, for the United States and regions: 1900 to 1959

10. Average value of land and buildings per farm, by tenure of operator for all farms in the United States and regions: 1959

11. Land in farms and value of land and buildings, privately owned and government owned, for the conterminous United States and regions: 1961

12. Percent of farms and land owned, by tenure of owner, for the United States and regions: 1959

13. Percent distribution of commercial farms for each type of farm, by tenure of operator for the United States: 1959

14. Percent of value of specified crops and livestock sold, for commercial farms, by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1959

15. Percent distribution of acres of corn and all hay crops harvested for commercial farms, by tenure of operator, for the United States and regions: 1959

16. Average size of farm, by tenure of operator, for the United States and regions: 1900 to 1959

17. Percent of all farms in each size of farm group, by tenure of operator, for the United States and regions: 1959

18. Percent distribution of all land in farms according to majore uses, by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1950 to 1959

19. Percent distribution of cropland, land pastured, and woodland, for commercial farms, by tenure of operator, for the United States and regions: 1959

20. Percent of commercial farms reporting specified land-use practices, by tenure of operator, for the United States and regions: 1959

21. Number of acres in specified land-use practices, by tenure of operator, for the United States and regions: 1959

22. Percent distribution of irrigated farms and irrigated land in farms, by tenure of operator, for the 17 Western States, Louisiana, and Hawaii: 1959

23. Number of hired workers per commercial farm reporting, by tenure of operator, for the United States and regions: 1959

24. Expenditures for hired labor per commercial farm, by tenure of operator, for the United States and regions: 1959

25. Percent of commercial farms reporting tractors (other than garden), by tenure of operator, for the United States and regions: 1954 and 1959

26. Percent distribution of commercial farms reporting, by number of tractors (other than garden), by tenure of operator, for the United States and regions: 1959

27. Percent of commercial farms reporting tractors, grain combines, milking machines, corn pickers, and pick-up balers, by tenure of operator, for the United States and regions: 1959

28. Average expenditure per commercial farm reporting specified cost items, by tenure of operator, for the United States and regions: 1959

29. Population: Total, nonfarm, and farm, for the United States: 1910 to 1960

30. Migration to and from farms, for the United States: 1920 to 1958

31. Residence of employed persons in the farm labor force, by kind of worker, for the United States: 1960

32. Agricultural net income and nonagricultural net income, for the United States: 1910 to 1959

33. Agricultural net income as apercent of total national income, for the United States: 1910 to 1959

34. Net income from farming received by nonfarm population, for the United States: 1910 to 1959

35. Net income of farm population from farming and nonfarm sources, for the United States: 1935 to 1959

36. Percent distribution of commercial farms in each economic class, by tenure of operator, for the United States and regions: 1959

37. Average value of farm products sold per commercial farm, by tenure of operator, for the United States and regions: 1959

38. Percent of farm operators working off their farms 100 days or more, by tenure, for the United States and regions: 1959 and 1954

39. Percent of farm operators with other income of family exceeding the value of farm products sold, by tenure, for the United States and regions: 1959 and 1954

40. Average number of years on present farm, by tenure of operator, for the United States and regions: 1959 and 1954

41. Percent distribution of farm operators in each tenure group, by years on present farm, for the United States and regions: 1959

42. Percent distribution of farm operators by years on farm, by tenure, for the United States: 1910 to 1959

43. Percent of farm operators on present farm 1 year or less, by tenure, for the United States: 1910 to 1959

44. Average age of farm operators, by tenure, for the United States and regions: 1940 to 1959

45. Percent distribution of farm operators in each tenure group, by age, for the United States and regions: 1959

46. Percent distribution by age of tenant in each tenure group, for the United States and regions: 1959

47. Percent of commercial farms in each tenure group reporting a telephone and a home freezer, for the United States and regions: 1959

48. Percent distribution of farms in each tenure group, by kind of road on which located, for the United States and regions: 1959


1. Map of the United States showing geographic regions and divisions

2. Percent of total land area in farms, 1959

3. Number of farms - increase and decrease, 1954 - 1959

4. Decrease in number of farms, 1950 - 1954

5. Farms operated by full owners - increase and decrease in number, 1954 - 1959

6. Farms operated by full owners - increase and decrease in number, 1950 - 1954

7. Farms operated by all tenants - increase and decrease in number, 1954 - 1959

8. Farms operated by all tenants - increase and decrease in number, 1950 - 1954

9. Nonwhite farm operators (South only) - increase and decrease in number, 1954 - 1959

10. Farms operated by nonwhite operators - increase and decrease in number, 1950 - 1954

11. Farm operators, number, 1959

12. Farms operated by full owners, number, 1959

13. Farms operated by part owners, number, 1959

14. Farms operated by all tenants, number, 1959

15. Nonwhite farm operators (South only), number, 1959

16. Percent of all farms operated by tenants, 1959

17. Most frequent method of renting farms, 1959

18. Farms operated by all tenants, number, 1959

19. Farms operated by share-cash, number, 1959

20. Farms operated by cash tenants, number, 1959

21. Farms operated by crop-share tenants, number, 1959

22. Farms operated by croppers (South only), number, 1959

23. Farms operated by livestock-share, number, 1959

24. Percent of all farms operated by part owners, 1959

25. Most frequent method of renting land by part owner farm operators, 1959

26. Percent of all land in farms operated under lease, 1959

27. Average value of land and buildings per acre, 1959

28. Dominant types of farming, based on number of commercial farms, 1959

29. Tractors on farms, number, 1959

30. Percent of all farm operators working off their farms, 1959

31. Farm operators working off their farms 100 days or more, number, 1959

32. Farm operators working off their farms 100 days or more - increase and decrease, in number, 1954 - 1959

33. Farm operators with other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold, 1959

34. Percent of farm operators 65 years of age and over, 1959

35. Percent of farm operators reporting residence off their farms, 1959

1. Introduction

File Missing


1. All land in farms in the United States: 1850 to 1959

2. Cropland harvested for the United States: 1879 to 1959

3. Pasture and grazing land for the United States: 1930 to 1959

4. Average value of land per farm: 1850 to 1959

5. Irrigated acreage of specified crops and pasture in the 17 Western States and Louisiana: 1959

6. Number of horses and mules, and tractors, for the United States: 1920 to 1959

7. Percent of farms reporting pick-up balers for the United States and regions: 1954 and 1959

8. Percent of farms reporting field forage harvesters for the United States and regions: 1954 and 1959

9. Percent of farms reporting telephone for the United States and regions: 1954 and 1959

10. Percent of farms reporting home freezer for the United States and regions: 1954 and 1959

11. Trends in population, farm labor force, and farm output in the United States: 1820 to 1959

12. Farm labor - Number of unpaid family and hired workers: 1939 to 1959

13. Number of hired workers by basis of payment by regions: 1959 and 1954

14. Commercial fertilizer: Farms reporting, tons, and acres fertilized, by regions: 1959 and 1954

15. Selected farm expenditures: 1959 and 1954

16. Expenditures for feed for livestock and poultry: 1909 to 1959

17. Expenditures for hired labor: 1869 to 1959

18. Number of farms by size of farm, for the United States: 1959, 1954, and 1950

19. Average size of farm, for the United States: 1850 to 1959


1. Map of the United States, showing geographic regions and divisions

2. All land in farms, acreage, 1959

3. All land in farms - increase and decrease in acreage, 1954 - 1959

4. Percent of total land area in farms, 1959

5. Total cropland, acreage, 1959

6. Cropland harvested, acreage, 1959

7. Total land pastured, acreage, 1959

8. Total pasture as a percent of all land in farms, 1959

9. Woodland in farms, acreage, 1959

10. Woodland pastured, acreage, 1959

11. Average value of land and buildings per farm, 1959

12. Average value of land and buildings per acre, 1959

13. Farms with irrigation, number, 1959

14. Irrigated land in farms, acreage, 1959

15. Irrigated land as a percent of all land in farms, 1959

16. Percent of farm operators 65 years of age and over, 1959

17. Farm operators with other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold, 1959

18. Cattle, number, 1959

19. Milk cows, number, 1959

20. Chickens on hand, number over 4 months old, 1959

21. Hogs, number, 1959

22. Sheep, number, 1959

23. Horses and mules, number, 1959

24. Tractors on farms, number, 1959

25. Percent of farms located on hard-surfaced roads, 1959

26. Farms reporting regular hired workers, number, 1959

27. Acreage on which commercial fertilizer was used, 1959

28. Farms reporting commercial fertilizers used as a percent of all farms, 1959

29. Farms reporting lime and liming materials used as a percent of all farms, 1959

30. Acreage on which lime and liming materials were used, 1959

31. Farms reporting expenditures for feed for livestock and poultry as a percent of all farms, 1959

32. Expenditures for feed for livestock and poultry, dollars, 1959

33. Expenditures for machine hire on farms, dollars, 1959

34. Expenditures for gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business, dollars, 1959

35. Expenditures for hired labor on farms, dollars, 1959

36. Average size of farms, 1959

37. Average size of commercial farms, 1959

38. Commercial farms, number, 1959

39. Commercial farms as a percent of all farms, 1959

40. Class I farms (gross sales of $40,000 or more), number, 1959

41. Class I, II, and III farms (gross sales of $10,000 or more), number, 1959

42. Farms with less than $2,500 gross sales, number, 1959

43. Farms with less than $2,500 gross sales as a percent of all farms, 1959

44. Other farms, number, 1959

45. Part-time farms, number, 1959

46. Part-retirement farms, number, 1959

47. Type-of-farming areas based on value of farm products providing one-half or more of all farm products sold, 1959

48. Dominant types of farming, based on number of commercial farms, 1959

49. Cash-grain farms, number, 1959

50. Cotton farms, number, 1959

51. Tobacco farms, number, 1959

52. Other field-crop farms, number, 1959

53. Vegetable farms, number, 1959

54. Fruit-and-nut farms, number, 1959

55. Livestock farms and ranches, number, 1959

56. Poultry farms, number, 1959

57. Dairy farms, number, 1959

58. General farms, number, 1959

59. Value of all farm products sold, dollars, 1959

60. Average value per farm of farm products sold, 1959

61. Average value of farm products sold per acre of all land in farms, 1959

62. Value of all crops sold, dollars, 1959

63. Value of all crops sold as a percent of all farm products sold, 1959

64. Value of field crops sold, dollars, 1959

65. Value of vegetables harvested for sale, dollars, 1959

66. Value of fruits and nuts sold, dollars, 1959

67. Value of horticultural specialties sold, dollars, 1959

68. Value of forest products sold, dollars, 1959

69. Value of all livestock sold alive, dollars, 1959

70. Value of cattle and calves sold alive, dollars, 1959

71. Value of hogs and pigs sold alive, dollars, 1959

72. Value of sheep and lambs sold alive, dollars, 1959

73. Value of dairy products sold, dollars, 1959

74. Value of all poultry and poultry products sold, dollars, 1959

75. Value of broilers, other chickens, and chicken eggs sold, dollars, 1959

76. Acres of corn for all purposes as a percent of cropland harvested, 1959

77. Corn for all purposes, acreage, 1959

78. Corn for all purposes - increase and decrease in acreage, 1954 - 1959

79. Corn harvested for grain, acreage, 1959

80. Corn cut for silage, acreage, 1959

81. Cotton harvested, acreage, 1959

82. Acres of cotton harvested as a percent of cropland harvested, 1959

83. Cotton harvested - increase and decrease in acreage, 1954 - 1959

84. Acres of all wheat harvested as a percent of cropland harvested, 1959

85. All wheat harvested, acreage, 1959

86. Winter wheat harvested, acreage, 1959

87. Spring wheat harvested, acreage, 1959

88. All wheat harvested - increase and decrease in acreage, 1954 - 1959

89. Hay acreage as a percent of cropland harvested, 1959

90. Land from which hay was cut, acreage, 1959

91. Land from which hay was cut - increase and decrease in acreage, 1954 - 1959

92. Alfalfa cut for hay, acreage, 1959

93. Clover or timothy cut for hay, acreage, 1959

94. Wild hay cut, acreage, 1959

95. Lespedeza cut for hay, acreage, 1959

96. Soybeans grown for all purposes, acreage, 1959

97. Soybeans harvested for beans, acreage, 1959

98. Soybeans for all purposes - increase and decrease in acreage, 1954 - 1959

99. Tobacco harvested, acreage, 1959

100. Oats harvested, acreage, 1959

101. Oats harvested - increase and decrease in acreage, 1954 - 1959

102. Sorghums for all purposes, acreage, 1959

103. Sorghums for all purposes - increase and decrease in acreage, 1954 - 1959

104. Sorghums harvested for grain or for seed, acreage, 1959

105. Sorghums cut for silage, acreage, 1959

106. Irish potatoes, acreage, 1959

107. Barley harvested, acreage, 1959

108. Barley harvested - increase and decrease in acreage, 1954 - 1959

109. Rice harvested, acreage, 1959

110. Sugar beets harvested for sugar, acreage, 1959

111. Peanuts grown for all purposes, acreage, 1959

112. Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans, acreage, 1959

113. Sugarcane harvested for sugar, acreage, 1959

114. Vegetables harvested for sale, acreage, 1959

115. Strawberries harvested for sale, acreage, 1959

116. Land in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, acreage, 1959

117. Land in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees - increase and decrease in acreage, 1954 - 1959

118. Oranges - trees of all ages, number, 1959

119. Grapefruit - trees of all ages, number, 1959

120. Whole milk sold, pounds, 1959

121. Value of horses and mules sold alive, dollars, 1959

122. Wool shorn, number of pounds, 1959

123. Chickens sold, number, 1959

124. Broilers sold, number, 1959

125. Chicken eggs sold, number of dozens, 1959

126. Turkeys raised, number, 1959