1. Basis for the classification of farms by type: Censuses of 1959, 1954, 1950, 1945, 1940, and 1930
2. Criteria used for classification of farms by type: Censuses of 1959, 1954, 1950, 1945, 1940, and 1930
3. Method of obtaining data on value of farm products sold: 1930 to 1959
4. Percent distribution of value of farm products sold from selected sources by type of commercial farm
5. Percent distribution of commercial farms by tenure of operator for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959
6. Selected characteristics of dairy farms by economic class of farm: 1959
7. Selected characteristics of livestock farms by economic class of farm: 1959
8. Selected characteristics of livestock ranches by economic class of farm: 1959
9. Selected characteristics of general farms by economic class of farm: 1959
10. Average prices for major farm products sold for the conterminous United States: 1959, 1954, and 1949
11. Changes in number of farms by value of farm products sold for all tenants, croppers, cotton farms, and other field-crop farms, for the conterminous United States and the South: 1950 to 1959
12. Selected farm resources for all farms and farms with sales of farm products of $2,500 or more and percent of all farms for the conterminous United States: 1959, 1954, and 1950
13. Number of farms by size of farm with sales of $2,500 or more for the conterminous United States: 1950 to 1959
14. Age of operator by value of sales with percent distribution for the conterminous Unites States: 1950 to 1959
15. Off-farm work by farm operator, by value of sales, with percent distribution for the conterminous United States: 1950 to 1959
16. Percent of commercial farms operated by full owners, part owners, and managers; all tenants; and croppers for each type of farm; by value of farm products sold; for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
17. Percent distribution of commercial farms in each type of farm, by size of farm, and economic class of farm, for the United States: 1959
18. Farms reporting and number of tractors (other than garden), motortrucks, and horses and/or mules, by type of farm, for the United States and regions: Census of 1959
19. Percent of all commercial farms represented by the three most important types of farm for each State: 1959
20. Number of commercial farms for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959, 1954, and 1950
21. Percent distribution of commercial farms for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959, 1954, and 1950
22. Increase or decrease in number of commercial farms for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1954 to 1959, 1950 to 1959, and 1950 to 1954
23. Percent increase or decrease in number of commercial farms for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1954 to 1959, 1950 to 1959, and 1950 to 1954
24. Land in farms for commercial farms for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
25. Average size of farm for commercial farms for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
26. Average acres of cropland harvested per farm for commercial farms for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
27. Percent of commercial farms reporting fertilizer and fertilizing materials used for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
28. Average number of pounds of fertilizer and fertilizing materials used per acre fertilized for commercial farms for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
29. Percent of commercial farms reporting expenditures for feed for livestock and poultry for each type of farm by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
30. Average expenditures for feed for livestock and poultry per farm reporting for commercial farms for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
31. Percent of commercial farms reporting expenditures for machine hire for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
32. Average expenditures for machine hire per farm reporting for commercial farms for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
33. Percent of commercial farms reporting expenditures for hired labor for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
34. Average expenditures for hired labor per farm reporting form commercial farms for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
35. Percent of commercial farms reporting regular hired workers for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
36. Average number of regular hired workers per farm reporting for commercial farms for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
37. Percent of commercial farms reporting grain combines for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
38. Percent of commercial farms reporting corn pickers for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
39. Percent of commercial farms reporting tractors, other than garden, for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
40. Average number of tractors, other than garden, per farm for commercial farms for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
41. Average value per farm and percent distribution by source of sales for all farm products sold for commercial cash-grain farms, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
42. Average value per farm and percent distribution by source of sales for all farm products sold for commercial cotton farms, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
43. Average value per farm and percent distribution by source of sales for all farm products sold for commercial other field-crop farms, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
44. Average value per farm and percent distribution by source of sales for all farm products sold for commercial vegetable farms, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
45. Average value per farm and percent distribution by source of sales for all farm products sold for commercial fruit-and-nut farms, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
46. Average value per farm and percent distribution by source of sales for all farm products sold for commercial poultry farms, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
47. Average value per farm and percent distribution by source of sales for all farm products sold for commercial dairy farms, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
48. Average value per farm and percent distribution by source of sales for all farm products sold for commercial livestock farms, other than poultry and dairy, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
49. Average value per farm and percent distribution by source of sales for all farm products sold for commercial general farms, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
50. Percent of farms operated by operators 55 to 64 years of age for commercial farms for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
51. Percent of farms operated by operators 65 years old and over for commercial farms for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
52. Percent of farm operators of commercial farms working off farm 100 days or more for each type of farm, by value of farm products sold, for the conterminous United States: 1959 and 1954
53. Farms and farm characteristics of commercial farms by type of farm, for the United States: Census of 1959
54. Number of commercial farms by type of farm, by divisions and States: Census of 1959
55. Acreage of land in farms for commercial farms by type of farm, by divisions and States: Census of 1959
56. Acres of cropland harvested on commercial farms by type of farm, by divisions and States: Census of 1959
57. Average size of farm for commercial farms by type of farm, by divisions and States: Census of 1959
58. Average value of land and buildings per farm for commercial farms by type of farm, by divisions and States: Census of 1959
59. Average value of all farm products sold per farm for commercial farms by type of farm, by divisions and States: Census of 1959
60. Number of tractors other than garden on commercial farms by type of farm, by divisions and States: Census of 1959
61. Number of regular hired workers on commercial farms by type of farm, by divisions and States: Census of 1959
62. Expenditures for hired labor on commercial farms by type of farm, by divisions and States: Census of 1959
63. Expenditures for feed for livestock and poultry on commercial farms by type of farm, by divisions and States: Census of 1959
64. Expenditures for purchase of livestock and poultry on commercial farms by type of farm, by divisions and States: Census of 1959
65. Expenditures for gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil on commercial farms by type of farm, by divisions and States: Census of 1959
66. Number of cattle and calves on commercial farms by type of farm, by divisions and States: Census of 1959
67. Number of milk cows on commercial farms by type of farm, by divisions and States: Census of 1959
68. Tons of commercial fertilizer used on commercial farms by type of farm, by divisions and States: Census of 1959
69. Number of farm operators working off their farm 100 days or more for commercial farms by type of farm, by divisions and States: Census of 1959
70. Farms and farm characteristics of commercial cash-grain farms by economic class of farm, for the United States: Census of 1959
71. Farms and farm characteristics of commercial tobacco farms by economic class of farm, for the United States: Census of 1959
72. Farms and farm characteristics of commercial cotton farms by economic class of farm, for the United States: Census of 1959
73. Farms and farm characteristics of commercial other field-crop farms by economic class of farm, for the United States: Census of 1959
74. Farms and farm characteristics of commercial vegetable farms by economic class of farm, for the United States: Census of 1959
75. Farms and farm characteristics of commercial fruit-and-nut farms by economic class of farm, for the United States: Census of 1959
76. Farms and farm characteristics of commercial poultry farms by economic class of farm, for the United States: Census of 1959
77. Farms and farm characteristics of commercial dairy farms by economic class of farm, for the United States: Census of 1959
78. Farms and farm characteristics of commercial livestock farms, other than poultry and dairy farms and livestock ranches, by economic class of farm, for the United States: Census of 1959
79. Farms and farm characteristics of commercial livestock ranches by economic class of farm, for the United States: Census of 1959
80. Farms and farm characteristics of commercial general farms by economic class of farm, for the United States: Census of 1959
81. Farms and farm characteristics of commercial miscellaneous farms by economic class of farm, for the United States: Census of 1959
1. Distribution of farms and value of farm products sold by type of farm for the United States: 1959
2. Percent of farms for each type of farm reporting specified equipment and facility, and horses and/or mules, for the United States and regions: 1959
3. Percent distribution of commercial farms for each economic class by type of farm for the United States: 1959
4. Percent distribution of commercial farms in each type of farm by economic class of farm for the United States: 1959
5. Percent distribution of commercial farms for each type of farm by tenure of operator for the United States 1959
6. Percent increase or decrease in number of commercial farms for each type of farm by value of farm products sold for the conterminous United States: 1954 to 1959, 1950 to 1959, and 1950 to 1954
7. Percent distribution of commercial farms for each tenure of operator by type of farm for the United States: 1959
8. Dominant types of farming, based on number of commercial farms, 1959