1. A - Farm-mortgage debt survey, 1956: Sampling rates with number of farms drawn for inclusion in survey and number of land-owners, by tenure of operator and economic class of farm
2. B - Farm-mortgage debt survey, 1956: Adjusted expansion factors
3. C - Percentage distribution of mortgaged full-owner farms, by rate of interest, for the United States: 1956, 1951, 1940, and 1920
4. D - Number of full-owner and part-owner farms and proportion mortgaged, by economic class of farm, for the United States: 1956
5. E - Number of full-owner commercial farms with proportion mortgaged by type of farm for the United States and regions: 1956
6. 1 - Number, acreage, and value of farms and amount of mortgage debt, by tenure of operator and by mortgage status, for the United States: 1930 - 1956
7. 2 - Number, acreage, and value of farms operated by full owners, by mortgage status, by divisions and States: 1940 - 1956
8. 3 - Number, acreage, and value of owned portion of farms operated by part owners, by mortgage status, by divisions and States: 1940 - 1956
9. 4 - Acreage, value, and amount of mortgage debt for rented and managed land, by mortgage status, by divisions and States: 1940 - 1956
10. 5 - Acreage, value, and amount of mortgage debt for all farms, by divisions and States: 1940 - 1956
11. 6 - Interest charges on mortgage debt, by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1930 - 1956
12. 7 - Interest charges on mortgage debt, by tenure of operator, by divisions and States: 1956 and 1950
13. 8 - Amount of farm-mortgage debt held by principal lendersl for the United States: 1910 to 1956
14. 9 - Average rate of interest (percent) on farm-mortgage debt held by principal lenders, by geographic divisions: January 1, 1956
15. 10 - Farm-mortgage debt - Total outstanding and loans held by principal lenders, by divisions and States: January 1, 1956 and 1950
16. 11 - Mortgaged farms operated by full owners, classified by rate of interest, by divisions and States: 1956
17. 12 - Mortgaged farms operated by part owners, classified by rate of interest, by divisions and States: 1956
18. 13 - Number, acreage, and value of mortgaged farms operated by full owners and part owners, classified by ratio of debt to value, by geographic divisions: 1956
19. 14 - Farms operated by full owners and by part owners, by age of operator, with proportion mortgaged, by geographic divisions: 1956, 1940, and 1930
20. 15 - Number, acreage, value, and amount of mortgage debt for mortgaged farms operated by full owners, by age of operator, by geographic divisons: 1956
21. 16 - Number, acreage, value, and amount of mortgage debt for mortgaged farms operated by part owners, by age of operator, by geographic divisons: 1956
22. 17 - Number, acreage, value, and amount of mortgage debt for mortgaged farms operated by full owners, by economic class of farm, by geographic divisons: 1956
23. 18 - Number, acreage, value, and amount of mortgage debt for mortgaged farms operated by part owners, by economic class of farm, by geographic divisons: 1956
24. 19 - Number, acreage, value, and amount of mortgage debt for mortgaged farms operated by full owners, classified by type of farm, by geographic divisons: 1956